Chapter Thirty Five

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Michael's POV

*2 weeks later* 

Belle broke up with me the same day that the photos were posted everywhere. I don't know why but I didn't really mind. I wasn't that interested in her anyway.. At first I wanted to mess with her sister because she hated me but then I realised something.. 

The only problem was that I realised at the wrong time, I had feelings for April. I pretended to hate her because I hoped it would end up like all of the stories about hating eachother for so long that you begin to fall in love with the other. 

I knew my plan failed when Luke asked her on a date and she accepted. Whenever I was with Belle and saw the two of them my heart would ache because I saw her laughing and smiling. All I ever wanted was to make her that happy. I missed out on my oppotunity though. 

There is no way that she will date one of us now. I can't believe Luke would do something like that. It is so demeaning and has probably destroyed her confidence. I don't understand why he keeps denying it. The photos are from his camera roll and nobody else had his phone.. unless he gave it to someone. 

"She won't answer" Luke sighed as he sat down opposite me.

"Oh, I wonder why" Ashton mumbled sarcastically. 

Luke rolled his eyes and put his phone into his pocket. Calum sighed and rested his head against the lunch table. The table was awkwardly silent as we all stared at eachother waiting for someone to speak. It is never like this.. 

"Why do you keep denying it? You are the only person who could have done it" Ashton groaned.

"But I didn't do it! Why don't you believe me? You're supposed to be my best friends" Luke protested. 

"Is this why you never told her that you loved her? Because you didn't and you were using her to hurt her?" Ashton questioned.

"What the fuck Ash? Are you serious? Of course I loved her! I was going to tell her that and then she broke up with me!" Luke growled. 

"Again, I wonder why!" Ashton spat. 

Calum and I switched our gazes from Ashton to Luke every time one of them began to speak, it was almost like watching a tennis ball at a tennis tournament. Luke looked at us both and gave us a look which meant 'please believe me'

I shook my head and avoided his gaze. Luke nodded and rushed out of the cafeteria. I felt bad for him but I wasn't going to believe a liar. He should just admit that he did it, I don't get why he won't. Everyone probably knows that it was him by now anyway.

"The thing that pisses me off the most is that she loved him, you could see it everytime she would look at him. She loved him and he used her and humiliated her. He's a selfish, conceited person for doing something like this. I would have never expected Luke to do this" Ashton growled and shook his head. 

"Y-Yeah I agree. I'm going to head up to maths now, Don't want to be late! Ha. Bye guys!" Calum got up and left immediately. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and watched him leave the cafeteria quickly. Ashton and I gave eachother a confused glance before returning our attention to the doors for a few seconds and then turning back moments later. 

"Well.. that was weird" I mumbled. 

"Yeah, what's up with him?" Ash asked. 

"I don't know. He's been acting weird for a while now" I shrugged. 


I have terrible writer's block right now, so thats why the recent chapters probably suck. 



"That's right, I won, right here, 2013.. C-Dizzle" Calum Hood 2013.

Bad Boy: Michael CliffordWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu