Chapter Nine

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April's POV

*the next morning*

"Apr- oh good you're up. Me and your da-" I cut her off by holding my hand up and shaking my head violently.

"Tim will never be my dad! He is my step dad! That is the closest he is getting to being classed as my father figure!" She rolled her eyes and leant against the marble counter of the island in front of me.

"We're going to visit Tim's sister for the weekend, we will be back either on Sunday night or Monday morning" I nodded and stood up from the stool and hugged my mum.

Tim gave me an awkward hug and I waved them both off from the doorway. I closed the front door and Sam came bolting towards me and tackled me onto the ground. Sam licked my cheek a few times causing me to screw up my face and laugh.

"Aaron you fucktard come and help me!" I squealed.

"Sam, calm down" I stroked his soft head and placed a kiss to the top of it.

He eventually removed himself from on top of me which allowed me to stand up. Sam rushed off into the kitchen and I wiped my face with a clean towel and chucked it into the washing machine.

The doorbell rang and I rushed back to the front door. I opened the door and saw a familiar elderly woman standing in front of me wearing a floral blouse with a lilac ankle length skirt.

"Hello sweetie, how are you?" Mrs Jenkins asked.

"I'm fine thanks, what about you?" I asked awkwardly.

"I know you stole my garden gnome!" She growled.

She startled me at the sudden outburst. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly.

"What? I didn't steal your garden gnome! Every time one goes missing or breaks you blame me!" I protested.

"I know that you're breaking them" she growled before stumbling back down the driveway.

I stood in the doorway completely speechless and bewildered. I closed the door after a few moments and shook my head and entered the kitchen to get a drink of water.

The doorbell chimed once more and I groaned before stomping back towards the door. Where was Aaron? Why couldn't he answer the door and face Mrs Jenkins accusations?.

"For the last time, I did not steal your garden gnomes!" I sighed as I opened the front door.

Once I stood in the doorway and looked at the person who was standing on the other side of the doorframe I froze immediately. I let out a small shriek and hid behind the door and attempted to fix my hair.

"I don't know anything about a garden gnome-" Luke paused and chuckled.

"But I do know that your sister is in the back of Ashton's truck. She passed out last night because she was drunk and she had a really bad hangover when she woke up this morning and she fainted so we thought we should bring her back home" I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me so that Sam wouldn't rush out of the house.

Luke and I awkwardly spoke to each other as he lead me down the street to Ashton's old, beaten up truck. I would have thought that his truck would have been in better condition than this.

"He says its his wife" I rolled my eyes and snorted as Luke opened the door.

"Jesus." I gasped as I saw my sister sprawled out on the back seat with her hair all knotted and her makeup smudged. She had a few holes in her black tights and I could tell she had a rough night.

"Her jumpsuit is on backwards" I mumbled as Luke awkwardly dragged her out of the car.

"Yeah, she hooked up with Michael last night" Calum informed me from the front seat.

That bitch! How could she do that?.. Well she doesn't know about my crush on him but she probably would have done it anyway even if she did know.

"Who the fuck dressed her? The Grinch?!" I laughed as I tried to balance her limp body against the truck.

"Michael, so yeah the Grinch" my jaw dropped as I tried not to laugh at Ashton's words.

"Ashton! That's mean!" He chuckled and shook his head.

Calum jumped out of the car and pushed me out of the way gently when I was about to lift my sister up so that I could carry her back inside. I blushed and thanked Calum as he threw her over his shoulder and waited for me to go back to the house.

"Thanks for bringing her home guys" I hugged Luke and walked over to the drivers side and hugged Ashton as well.

I didn't know where this sudden confidence was coming from but since we had that short encounter and a laugh it felt like I had known them for so long although I hadn't.

Calum dropped my sister down onto the leather couch and let out a girlish squeal as Sam approached us. He ran to Sam and began stroking him and talking to him like Sam was a newborn baby.

"Someone likes dogs" I smirked.

"Yeah, I love them. My parents won't let me get one though" he pouted and stood up.

"Well, I'll see you again hopefully. Goodbye April" I waved and closed the door behind him.

"What did I say about staying away from them?" Aaron growled.

I rolled my eyes and got a glass of water and an aspirin for my step sister who looked like she needed it.

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