Chapter Thirty One

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April's POV

*2 months later*

"Hey princess" Luke smiled as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his soft lips. When I pulled away I realised that the whole hallway was staring at the two of us which made me feel uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just don't like people staring at us all of the time" I mumbled.

Luke rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek before turning around and growling. He shouted to get everyone's attention which actually worked and everyone looked at him in fear.

"Why is everyone staring at me and my girl all of the time? We're just like any other couple in this fucking school! So come on! Tell me why you all seem to have a problem with our relationship!" Luke yelled.

I leant my head against my locker and sighed. This is just getting us even more unwanted attention..

"Because she's a fucking slut mate" someone answered.

Luke's head snapped towards the direction where the answer came from and if I said he was angry that would be a complete understatement.

"Want to fucking say that again?" He growled at someone that was in my year.

The boy was pressed against the wall and Luke was getting dangerously close to him. I noticed that his fists were clenched and I feared that he would hit him. It would only make things worse.

"Luke! Stop!" I shouted and grabbed both of his wrists in my hands.

"Why are you calling her a slut?!" Luke growled and I began to struggle to keep a tight grip on his wrists.

"Because she is. I was told that she fucked most of the people in her last school and moved because of it. Luke you're just being used by her, after she's messed with most of us she'll probably leave again" I didn't even know this boy's name so how does he know things about me?

Luke stopped struggling and turned around to face me with a cold glare. I shook my head and tried to convince him that it wasn't true but he just wouldn't believe me.

"Luke please" I whispered.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and hoped that I would calm him down a little bit. He sent me another glare before shoving past me and he left me completely speechless.

We're in a relationship, at least I hope we were. He's supposed to trust me! Luke wasn't my first time but that doesn't mean that I fucked most of my last school.

Everyone was still staring at me, some looked sympathetic and others looked amused. I stepped closer to the unknown boy and harshly slapped his cheek before bolting out of the hallway.

I kept running and shouting Luke's name. I had to find him, I couldn't loose him. Not now anyway. Things were finally going well for once and of course something like this comes along and ruins it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Aaron or Belle who started these rumours since they both hate me. It hurt when I saw Aaron comforting Belle a few weeks ago, she's done nothing but treat him like shit and he looks after her.

I did nothing, I just found happiness and he hates me for it. I wasn't horrible to him and I didn't make him feel low. He told me not to go to him if Luke hurts me and I guess that's exactly what happened..

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