Chapter Nineteen

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Luke's POV

I shouldn't have done that.. I really should not have done that.. Calum's going to kill me, Michael's going to kill me and Ashton probably will as well since the other two would.

I couldn't stop myself from doing it! Her green eyes were sparkling and her smile was just so beautiful. April is captivating. I've had a small crush on her for a while but I never grew the balls to do anything about it.

Calum and Michael also liked her but I guess I was the only one who decided to act on it. I touched my lips and felt goosebumps erupting over my skin just from the thought of her lips against mine.

It's scary how someone that I barely know has that effect on me. I'm glad that I had enough confidence to kiss her, I always wanted to know what her lips felt like and how they tasted.

Michael was dating Belle and Calum stopped speaking to her which means that she's basically mine.. Right?..

The small smile that was on her face after I pulled away must have meant something. Maybe April Edwards did like me back.. I jumped when my brother's were yelling as soon as I entered the house.

"Shut the fuck up Ben! You don't know anything!" Jack shouted causing me to roll my eyes.

I'm the youngest but I'm probably the maturest out of the three of us. My eyes landed on a white piece of paper that was left on the island, I picked it up and looked at it.

Student: Luke Robert Hemmings.

My report for my current grades.. I quickly scanned through the rest of the information and sighed in relief when I had passed most of my classes except from geography and history.

"You're lucky that you passed maths or you would be in trouble" a voice spoke sternly from behind me.

"How could I fail? When I have an amazing woman like you helping me" she chuckled and hugged me.

Bad Boy: Michael CliffordUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum