Chapter Three

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April's POV

*1 week later*

I stepped out of the comfort of my bedroom and closed the door behind me and following my step brother down the wooden spiral staircase.

"You are not going to school like that.. are you?" I asked in disbelief as I spotted what my step sister was wearing.

She nodded and twirled a little bit causing her skirt to rise even more. Aaron's face contorted with disgust and I felt his warm hand wrap around my wrist and suddenly I was being pulled through the front door.

"Are we not getting a lift today?" I asked him.

"I'm not getting out of the car with her when she looks like that" he growled.

"Yeah, I get it. I can't believe mum or uh- dad haven't said anything about it. I'm pretty sure if I did that I would be told to change" Aaron snorted and shook his head.

"Nah. My dad's pretty cool with things like that for some reason-" he paused.

"But, we have the money- no we're fucking loaded so she should be able to afford clothes that actually fit her!" I laughed and looked down at the ground which was moving beneath us.

"Aaron!" He smirked and I heard him snort again.

He was right though, we were pretty rich. Our house was the biggest on the street, our parents had expensive cars and good jobs. We could afford quite a lot of things.

"Who is that guy?" I asked and pointed towards a black haired boy with tanned skin who was leaning against the wall with a cigarette between his plump lips.

"Calum Hood, why?" Aaron replied.

"He's always around and I don't know who he is- he's kinda hot" I bit my lip as I looked over at him again as we passed him. He winked at me which forced me to blush furiously.

"You could say that. But I'm warning you April, stay away from him. The blonde one with the quiff and the lip ring, that curly haired one with the dimples- they make him look innocent but he isn't! And most importantly.. Stay away from Michael Clifford!" Aaron warned.

"W-who's Michael Clifford?" I asked, completely clueless.

"I believe that is me, sweetheart"

I stopped in my tracks and turned my head in the direction that the husky voice came from. I bit my lip as I spotted him. Michael was gorgeous. He had sparkly green eyes, a couple of eyebrow piercings, a lip ring and his ears were also pierced. He had creative tattoos scattered along his bare, muscular arms and it intrigued me to what he could have inked along his torso.

"Come on April" Aaron hissed and dragged me away from Michael.

I bit my lip as I kept turning my head back and each time Michael's gaze was following me. Kieran and Oliver approached the two of us and we each greeted them with a hug.

"We had an encounter with Michael" Aaron mumbled.

"What really?" Oliver asked.

"Well, it wasn't exactly an encounter.. I just asked who he was and he heard me. He also called me sweetheart! Does that mean something? Does he like me? What if he does? Oh my god, he's so beau-" Aaron slammed his hand over my mouth.

Kieran laughed and shook his head, he ran his fingers through his loose brown curls. Aaron suddenly got distracted when Kieran brought up the topic of call of duty.

I awkwardly stood beside them and wondered where my best friend was. Surely she would have texted me if she wasn't going to be attending school today.. I checked my phone but saw no messages.

A tall blonde boy walked past me, he had a quiff and a lip ring.. Wait? This is the boy that Aaron warned me to stay away from.. I think unless there's more than one boy with the same appearance.

As he stalked past his blue eyes stared straight into mine and he had his black lip ring in between his white teeth. I smiled nervously which he returned. A small dimple indented his cheek which made him look completely innocent.

Oliver's eyes widened and Kieran's did the same moments after. Aaron and I quickly looked in the same direction and wondered what they would be looking at.


I spotted Michael still leaning against the wall but his eyes were the only ones that weren't on my sister. His green eyes were staring back at me.

I smiled and tried to divert my gaze but everywhere I looked, my eyes would slowly trail back to the direction that Michael was standing in.

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