"No," I said. "I love it because I get to spend all of these moments with you." I could feel all these words rushing out of my mouth before I could stop them. I didn't want to sound like I was blurting them out as if they were a secret, but in truth that's exactly what it had been.

This love had been my secret.

It was the one I always longed to tell her, and I never got a chance to. It was the one that I wanted to share with her, hoping that she felt the same way about me. I hated how my insides churned, and the butterflies in my stomach grew restless at the thought of everything being out in the open now. I sat there in silence, and my face burned red. I looked down at my feet, then at the floor and out the windshield again. I had to look anywhere except at her face. I was afraid of what I might see there. 

What if it was shock or disgust? The thoughts spun in my head making me nauseous. These emotions were eating me alive while I stared at the blue of the sky. I was psyching myself out, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. What if she wasn't upset at all? What if she felt the same way? I struggled to build up a little bit of bravery.

I stole a glance at her.

Kate's angelic face was painted with a brilliant smile. It was easily a million watts, and it reassured me from my restless thoughts. I could tell almost instantly that she thought of me the same way I did of her, and all the nervousness I'd been feeling vanished, disappearing from existence. I locked onto her crystalline blue eyes, now narrowly lined with little tears. She pursed her lips for a moment, as if she was choked up and struggling to swallow. 

"Kate I think I love you" was all I was able to slip out before she was on top of me, nearly knocking me over out of the co-pilot's chair. Her lips crashed onto mine, and I smiled into the kiss, finally relieved of all the crazy emotions and thoughts that had been whirling about in my head. I let my mind go blank, and I did my best to focus on nothing except her, and the beauty of this moment. Our bodies moved in sync, and Kate, who had been half standing and half sitting in an awkward position only moments ago, slid gracefully into my lap.

Twisting around slightly, I wrapped my strong arms around her back, pulling her in closer. I wanted so desperately to eliminate any and all space between us. Kate’s warm scent wreathed around me as her long hair fell down around our faces like a curtain. In the relative darkness that it created, I kissed her hungrily. I had waited for this moment for so long. I’d thought that our last kiss was perfect, but it hadn’t been. I had been a broken mess, and it had consoled me instead of quenching my thirst for her love. I had been shattered and half awake, hardly understanding what was happening. Now, even though I was still a little bit crazy, I was in a better state of mind. I was aware of every second, and I wasn’t going to let anything slip past me. My lips burned like fire as if sparks were actually igniting as they touched hers. Trying to test the waters, I licked at her bottom lip before sucking lightly. What had once been a rough and awkward movement turned into a graceful motion; a delicate dance.  

My hands moved from her back to around the back of her head, up in her hair. Displacing some of it, I let my fingers gently grip her, locking her in place, and then toy with some of the wavy brown strands. She shifted to allow space to get her arms around behind my neck. All the while, our faces were still locked together like a heat-seeking missile on its target. Kate granted me access, parting her lips for me just slightly. I took the opportunity, and I slid inside, easily exploring the inside of her mouth. I alternated between massaging her tongue lightly with my own and caressing her lips again. I heard a light moan of pleasure escape her. I smiled again knowing that I was able to make her feel that way. I used more pressure now, not trying to be forceful, but feeling a dire need to have more of her. My body was going on autopilot, and before I knew it my fingers were fumbling with the hem of her shirt.

But she stopped me.

“Harry,” she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as she removed her hands from around my neck and placed them on my own to stop me. “Not yet." I opened my eyes to look at her, and I saw a look of desperation there. I could tell that she yearned to continue, but knew that we couldn’t.

Not yet.

We sat in near silence again; the only sounds filling the small room were those of our now heavy breathing. I strained to fight the urge to pull her into me again. Our faces were only a few centimeters apart. It would be so easy to have her again.

But I couldn’t.

“Well,” I said, my voice cracking as I pronounced the last syllable, “we’d better get going.” Kate nodded ever so slightly before sliding off my lap and standing up. She turned around and looked at me with longing visible in her blue eyes. It was so hard for me to resist the craving to bring her close to me again, and she wasn’t making it any easier for me. She stepped lightly over where the body of the pilot was sprawled and left the cockpit, leaving me still sitting alone in the chair. I wasn’t ready to leave.

I wasn’t ready to move on from this moment.

I hadn’t wanted it to end.

I hunched over and cradled my head in my hands for a few seconds before standing up. I was wasting time, and that wasn’t helping anyone. If anything, it was hurting us. I had to get this damn cuff off if I ever wanted a chance to be with Kate. I couldn’t stand the thought that my immanent death was still looming over our heads. What about Kate? I couldn’t imagine how she must feel right now. It hit me that she would be crushed if she couldn’t get this contraption off of me, or if I died in the process. My stomach churned. Maybe trying this wasn’t going to be a good idea. I didn’t like the maybe that was apart of this situation. Maybe I would die, maybe I would live. It was eating me alive. I stood up and walked out of the cockpit and found Kate gathering what little she had from her seat in the cabin.

“Ready?” I looked at her expectantly. Kate turned to me and nodded. She picked up her cell phone and her small purple wallet before walking over to where I was standing. As we made our way to the exit of the plane, one of the flight attendants appeared out of what seemed to be nowhere.

“What’s the plan?” she asked eagerly. The woman tired to mask the emotions on her face with little success.

“You stay here with the plane,” Kate answered immediately. “Don’t tell anyone about the pilot yet. Harry and I should only be gone a couple of hours. We’re not staying long. Just get the plane gassed up and ready for a flight back to LHR airport.” As she finished explaining, the woman nodded. We bid her goodbye for now, and opened the hatch of the plane. I looked around outside while the stairs descended beneath us. A light breeze blew off the ocean and hit us, bringing the smells of the city. Kate dashed down the stairs once they fully opened and waited at the bottom for me to do the same. As I reached her, she wrapped her small hand around mine.

“Okay, here’s the deal,” she said as she began to explain. “The lab building at CBRS is doing a scheduled update of the security system today.” She looked at me as if that was supposed to mean something to me.

“Okay?” I said, it coming out as more of a question trying to will her to explain a little more. We walked along toward what appeared to be a terminal building, and from a distance I could see the large, metal door that we would be using to get inside.

“The camera and alarm systems will be down, and we’ll be able to break in pretty easy,” she continued. “But here’s the catch, it’s only for two hours. Anything after that security will be able to see and monitor, which means we need to get in and out as fast as possible.”

“Wonderful,” I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm. The last thing we needed was to be rushed when my life was on the line. This was already going to be a dangerous operation, and it was only getting more so with every passing minute. “When does it start?”

“That’s just it, Harry,” Kate said, and she exchanged a glance with me as we walked. “We’re already on the clock.”

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