Chapter Eighteen: Apology

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Hey you all! thanks for your patience!

I finished my exams as you already know and it was crazzy after!

But here it is!

Sorry for the prolonged delay!

Hope you like it!!!



Chapter Eighteen: Apology

I broke free, glaring at him. How dare he accuse that of my James?

“You know what? I take it all back Mr. Greene!” I bellowed, “You are not worthy of my apologies.” And with that, I left the kitchen, hearing a loud bang. ‘He’s hurt!’ Something inside me whispered and my body stopped moving, but then, I pushed that image out of my head and continued stomping to the guest room. Deep in my heart knowing that what he had said was true but my stubborn mind was unable to believe what it couldn’t see.

The rest of that day went slow. I was really starting to think again. I thought about what he had said, about James. I wondered why it was me who was to assume the throne and not my brother. I thought and thought, endlessly throughout that day.

Mrs. Greene called me a couple of times for breakfast, then for lunch and then for afternoon tea, but I said I was feeling unwell and I wanted to stay in bed. It wasn’t a lie though, I felt bad. I felt lost and lonely. I was all alone in this awkward situation.

What do you expect when someone gives you power? When someone imposes on you an immense responsibility which is to run a kingdom? What do you say to them? What do you do?

Wrapped in my cocoon of pretence all day, I tried ignoring everything, pretending it was all okay. Pretending I was still that Thekla Moore, the King’s cheeky, playful niece, careless, irresponsible, lively, exciting little girl, who did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.

But I never went far, the reality tugged at my legs until I was once again tied to the earth, feeling the weight of gravity around myself, feeling that overpowering sense of unease and discomfort.

The next day, I got up, and went downstairs. I avoided him all day and kept our interaction minimal. Mrs. Greene imposed a series of chores on me, not that I minded. So I kept my head in them, trying not to think about my situation.

I washed the dishes after the dinner that evening. Nathaniel came in the kitchen, drying the dishes. We didn’t talk at all and it was very awkward. Occasionally I heard him open him mouth as if to say something, but then he would sigh instead and shake his head.

I was still angry but this emotion was starting to wear off, mutating into sadness and misery.

The dish duty went on about an hour and then I went to my room, excusing myself. I changed and decided to go to bed early for whatever reason. But I couldn’t sleep… I just felt intense dizziness.

Later, when I thought everyone was already asleep, someone knocked lightly. I made myself decent in the bed, smoothing the blanket over with my palms.

“Enter” I said.

The door slightly opened and a candle shone in. Then I saw one black curl behind the candle and I pouted. Not him again!

“I’m sorry to disturb you at this hour, but we ought to talk.” His voice was soft.

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