Chapter Twelve: Suspicions

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Chapter Twelve: Suspicions

“Alright Thekla, we may spend the night here.” He said, “If that’s what you want.”

I smiled at him and he smiled back, that sadness still in his eyes.

We were staying the night!

“Martha!” I squealed, running to the kitchen, “We’re staying!” So immature, what must Nate think of me.

“Oh, how wonderful!” She met me halfway.

This was going to be great!

Martha got busy setting up the guest bed chamber for Nathaniel. He didn’t know it yet, but I would be sleeping in Martha’s room. I had missed taking to women.

“So, you told me he wasn’t your husband. Is he going to be? I mean you did run away with him.” She stated. I looked at her blankly.

“No, you’re assuming wrong my dear.” I answered, watching her make the bed, “I have no connections with him.”

“But the way he looks at you Thekla! How can you be so blind? He is in love with you! I’d stake my life on it. And you have certain feelings for him too, it is very obvious. Your sort of affection doesn’t go unnoticed.”

I blushed. He was not in love with me. He couldn’t possibly like me, after I had lost his horse. Martha was so genuinely wrong.

“Excuse me Thekla, but I think I don’t have any bread for dinner. I must go down to the baker, before it’s too late.” She said, after I didn’t reply. Somehow, I trusted her.

“Oh, yes of course, but we don’t mean to be a burden.”

“Nonsense, you are a delight! Like I said, twenty-three years of loneliness is enough in a lifetime. I am glad you decided to stay!” She smiled kindly.

Martha left the house right away, and I was left in the company of Nathaniel, who sat directly in front of the fireplace and stirred to get up when Martha closed the door behind her.

“We need to talk Thekla. Now!” He whispered and grabbed my hand, literally dragging me into the kitchen.

“What have you told her?” He demanded once we were hidden from the eye.

“Nothing! For goodness sakes Nate, let me loose.” He was being annoying.

He narrowed his eyes at me and I looked at the floor.

“Well, not much anyway…” I said hesitantly.

He swore under his breath.

“What does she know?” He asked, raging.

“Just that we are not married. Nothing else. I promise.” I said, looking up at his green-lit eyes.

“Thekla if you lie to me, then you must face the consequences of your actions.” He said, his face straight and proper. I hated that expression. That demanding pure English expression.

“Can we put those ‘proper manners’ aside for a moment?” I asked, placing my hands at my hips. That was it! I wouldn’t let him boss me around.

He retreated, as I got close to him, he took a step back, and a noticeable smile started to play on his lips.

“I am very sure that Martha is a decent woman and I trust her. She gave us a place to stay for the night. She went down to the baker’s to get bread for our dinner and this is how you repay her? Well let me tell you this Nathaniel Greene! You are ungrateful! And you don’t deserve to spend the night in this room, as you have absolutely no respect for our host!” I said, and stomped my feet for he wouldn’t stop smiling. He was driving me mental!

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