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I feel a vibration from my pocket. I sit up and notice it's dark outside. I can barely see anything. I check my phone to see over fifty text messages from my parents and twenty missed calls. I check the time to see its 3am.

Wait what direction did I come from? Am I lost? I'm to proud to call my parents so I guess I only have two others I can count on. Luke or Tyler? Let's get real, Tyler isn't an option.

I press on contacts and call Luke.

"Hello?" He answers in a croaky voice.

"Um Luke, I don't know where I am" I hyperventilate into the phone.

"Wait what? It's 3am and your lost?"

"Well it's a long story, point is I ran out my house. Then I ran in the woods and I think I fainted. Now I'm here. I don't know what direction I came from" I blurt.

"Ok uh describe where you are" something fumbled on his end of the line.

"Their are trees, a big hill" I say walking up the hill. "Next to the big hill is a creek. Is that a ladder?Luke there is a ladder on this tree. I think a tree house is up here."

"Wait a tree house? I think I know where you are" Luke says an engine starts in the back ground.

"Ya let me check" I start climbing the ladder and find myself in a nice tree house. "How do you know where I am?"

"It's my tree house, The boys and I built it when we were ten" he laughs. Why is his laugh so god dāmn sexy?

"Hope you don't mind, but I'm in it" I laugh with a sniffle at the end.

"A gorgeous girl in my tree house?Ten year old me would have a boner. Ok I'll be there in 15, I'll text you when I'm close" he says when I here a slam of a door on the line.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome babe" with that he ended the call.





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