Sealed Lips - A Spy Novel by TaliaArcher

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28 August 2015

Q1. What's the name of the book?

A. Sealed Lips - A Spy Novel

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A. The genre of the book is Action.

Q3. What gave you the idea for the book?

A. The idea came from a TV show I watch called Marvel's Agent's of SHIELD. And a bit from the new Avengers movie.

Q4. Is the book r-rated?

A. No it's not.

Q5. Can you give a summary?

A.  Amber Zoey Ryder is the definition of cold-hearted, emotionless, and lost.

Her parents are dead, her adoptive father abuses her and her sister, and her school is a prison where the guards are popular, and the inmates are the so called "Nerds".

After she murders her adoptive father while he's trying to kill her, Amber is hastily recruited to a government-funded spy agency. To make matters worse, she's brought in by the last person she'd expect, a Popular at school by the name of Aiden Jake Thompson who is leading a double life.

When things get heated and a mission goes wrong at the expense of someone she cares about's life, it's clear that the agency who planted a mole agent is out for blood.

But how can you defeat a person who's supposedly dead?

Q6. Why do you believe it's a good read?

A. I believe it's a good read because it has it's fair share of seriousness and humour, along with enough conflict to envelope the reader.

Q7. What would you like to say to those who have read your book?

A. I'd thank them, and tell them to vote or whatever if they enjoyed it. And I'd say that if they didn't, then there's no need to put hate in the comments because I'm writing for pleasure more then the audience. If you want a quotation, "Thank you to everyone who's went and took the time to find the book and read it. If you enjoyed it, don't be a silent reader, and vote, comment, whatever to show your appreciation! If you didn't, well, then don't write hate in the comments because I do this because I like it. Thank you everyone xx"

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