Baking with the Bad Boy by Floatsum

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6 August 2013

 Q1. What's the name of the book?

 A. The name of my book is Baking with the Bad Boy

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A. Baking with the Bad Boy is primarily teen fiction, romance, and a whole lotta humor.

 Q3. What gave you the idea for your book?

  A. Well, I have a sort of guilty pleasure, or penchant if you will, for so-called "bad boy" books. I always find amazing ones  on Wattpad and finally decided, "Why not write one myself?"

So, I did just that. I combined my love for bad boys and my love for baking into one story, thus creating Baking with the Bad Boy.

 Q4. Can you give a summary of your book?

A. What happens when you drop some pastries in a bowl, add a dash of chemistry, and pour in a whole bottle of teenage angst? You'd find out that it's a recipe for disaster, one that will explode if not properly prepared. 

Eleanor Prescott lived a quiet life, or, sort of quiet, in a quiet place, with a quiet job. She had surrendered long ago to the allure of baking sweets to put smiles on other people's faces. Helping out with making treats at Sweet Surrender with her parents wasn't just a job to her; it was part of her life. So, when an inebriated Cole Anderson gets a hankering for a taste of their delicious baked goods, paying with not cash, but a broken window, you could say that Eleanor is a little more than annoyed. Rather than receiving the true punishment that he deserves, it is decided that he will help out instead. Just Eleanor's luck that she'd get stuck, baking with the bad boy. He's probably not even that good at baking anyway. What's that old saying?

Sugar, spice, and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of. Slugs, snails, and puppy-dog tails, that's what little boys are made of.

Eleanor has no doubt that she'll find a couple of slugs, snails, and puppy-dog tails in Sweet Surrender's desserts now that a boy is helping with the creating of them, but what Eleanor didn't plan on was having that dash of chemistry added to the mix.

A little bit of chemistry can make a sour relationship get a whole lot sweeter.

 Q5. Why do you believe it is a good read?

 A. I believe my book is a good read because it's just a really fun, cute, lighthearted book. It's one of those feel-good books, the ones that let you escape from any melancholy thoughts and just live between the pages for a while with Eleanor and Cole. The situations aren't too heavy and serious and I feel as if the reader could really just sit down and relax with Baking with the Bad Boy.

Q6. What would you like to say to those who read your book?

  A. I would just like to thank any of those who may have picked up my book, however virtual it is, for taking the time to even read the summary. I really appreciate every single read, vote, and comment I get on it and always look forward to reading the comments and seeing the votes. It means the world to me.

Click the link to go straight to interviewed story.

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