Assassination of the world by fluffy_lucky_pandas

15 1 0

04 September 2015

Q1. What's the name of the book?

A. Assassination of the world

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A. Action, humor

Q3. What gave you the idea for the book?

A.  I'm not sure... I got it from lots of things and it came together to this book! But I did get the plot idea while I was in History Class.

Q4. Is the book r-rated?

A. No

Q5. Can you give a summary?

A. Nine assassins. One citizen. One impossible mission.

A new era has come, and with it a stricter monarchy. With the future in jeopardy, there is only one option: to wipe the slate clean. The assassins have two objectives: protect the citizen and kill everyone else. With an opposition hot on their trail, a matter of seconds can alter the course of the world and one way or another history is going to be changed. Whether it will be for better or worse, no one can tell.

No matter the struggle, nothing will stop the assassins from their ultimate goal: assassination of the world.

Q6. Why do you believe it's a good read?

A. I believe it's a good read for those who like action. I also spent a lot of time thinking about everything so it could be even better!

Q7. What would you like to say to those who have read your book?

A. Thank you so much for reading. It's means a whole lot. I hope you had enjoyed it :)

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