Chapter 40: Shanae & Aaliyah

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|Thanks for those comments! They really helped.. enjoy!|

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"You are now 10 cm dilated and ready to push. Dad, are you ready?" The nurse asked Rihmeek. He nodded and held my hand tight.

"Are you ready, mom?" I nod fast. I was just ready to get this baby outta me! Suddenly I heard loud cries from down the hall. MY GODBABY!!

"Okay on the count of 3, give me a nice, big push okay?" I didn't bother answer. Endless drops of sweat dropped down my face.

"1..2..3..PUSH!" I push with alot of energy and strength. I breathed in and out, squeezing the shit outta Meek's right hand.

"Okay. Perfect."

"1..2..3..PUSHH!!" I pushed so hard that my other hand started sliding off of the railing on my bed.

20 minutes later...

After 7 more pushes, they said they could see her head.

"Your doing absolutely fine baby," Meek pecked my sweaty forehead.

"Just one more push and you will see a beautiful little girl." I sighed and nodded.




"UGHHHHHH!!!" I screamed. Loud cries filled the room. Even though I only caught a quick glimpse at her. They held her there, "Dad, you can cut the cord if you want," without any hesitation, he shot up and walked over to where she was. He cut the cord slowly and watched as the went away.

They walked back over to us with her. She was wrapped in a light pink blanket.


They handed her over to me and I seriously felt like I was in heaven. She was the spitting image of me and Rihmeek..

My complexion, his facial features and my hair. I kissed her forehead, right in the center of her black curls.

"You did it baby," Meek says. He had a lil tear escaping his eye too. I handed her to him, "No we did it."

· · · ·

"Aaliyah." He said. I looked at him with a look of confusion, then I realized that he was naming her that.

The name is very beautiful.

"Yess! Baby Liyah!" I say. He sat down beside me, as we studied our daughter.

"Hello lil mama!!" I say to her. Meek pecked my lips.

"I'm your crazy daddy" I giggled, "And I'm your pretty mommy!"

Because she was a newborn, she couldn't open her eyes yet. Maybe by tomorrow..

Suddenly she started crying. The nurse ran our way.

"Are you gonna breastfeed her?" ... "Yes. But ion know how you do it.." she nodded and smiled.

She knew this was my firstborn so i'm new to all this.

"Just calm her down a little... yea thats it. Then slowly guide her head to your breasts," I did as told and soon her small lips were interacting with my breasts.

"She's beautiful" Meek gushed over her. I smiled at my lil snugga and my husband.

"She take after her daddy" he chuckled and shook his head.

"Nahh its all you." I smiled.

In Sherika's room...

Sherika Pov

"I think Nicki gave birth by now" Candi says, while holding Shanae, my daughter.

"Lets go see our other godbaby!" I was sad because I couldn't go see her and neither could Nicki. I know that baby got hair on her head though. No doubt.

"Ight lets go.. after this we gotta go"

Its 2am in morning and I'm tired asf. Tak was literally inseparable from her.

"Ya'll can take her with you," I say referring to Nae. Tak held her with great care as they left the room, leaving me there.

· · · ·

As I was rocking Aaliyah back and forth, the Chasers and the girls entered the room. Me and Nicki's eyes went to our god baby, while their eyes went to Aaliyah.

"Awwww whats her name?!" I squeal. Because she's still a new born, oir hands must always be clean before we touch them, so they handed me and Rihmeek some liquid to rub on our hands.

I held out my hands excitedly and held her in my arms. I looked down at her and she was sleeping peacefully.

"Shanae.." the name is gorgeous! Awww!!

"This is Aaliyah," ... "Hey lil mama" they all bonded with her as me and Rihmeek got to know Shanae.

"Ya'll we gotta get going but we gone take you guys home in the morning.. Meek you coming?"

"Nah i'ma stay with her. But ya'll girls know where the baby things are?"

They nodded and went to say their goodbyes to Nicki and Liyah. I dapped the boys up and they hugged nicki before they left. I hugged the girls friendly and we watched as they left.

"Night baby," she says. "Love you," she says it back and I pecked liyah's head. She squirmed and gurgled for a little bit. I waited until until she was comfy in the crib until I joined Nicki, who was already sleeping peacefully.

Words can't describe the feeling that we felt today. As soon as she was born, I swear a warm tingly feeling took over my body.

Promise to self: Never let them down. Ever.


Welcome to the World Shanae & Aaliyah!!!
Two beautiful babies from two gorgeous ladies..
Idek when i'ma update next tbh.

I was listening to AEOY for this wholeeeee chapter. I had it on repeaat.

Rihmeek x Onika x Breezy

The babies are in the media!


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