Chapter 45: About Time to Finish

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Albus placed his lips on Quinn's. Her soft lips were motionless, even when Albus kissed them. He took his lips off hers and wiped his face with his hand to get rid of some of the blurriness, but it didn't help, because he cried harder than before. He threw his hands around her, and cried. "Wake up. Please, Quinn, I love you, I have for a long time, wake up. Wake up!" he muttered, when he noticed something that got his heart skip a beat.

While his head was on Quinn's chest, he could hear her heart beat. That suggested she was still alive. The first thing he did was take off his t-shirt and used all his shaky might to rip it, so he could wrap it around her head, as one of the things he'd learned from the Muggle book he'd read in the holidays that pressure would help stop bleeding. He wrapped it around her, moving her hair out of the way as he did so. He also knew he should've cleaned the cut or something, but with that fight going on - even though he wasn't visible behind the pile of rubble - he didn't really have anything on hand to- then it struck him. He could use his wand! He took off the fabric - carefully - and took out his wand and pointed it to a small strap of fabric. "Aguamenti!" he said, and a strong jet of water soaked the fabric.

He dabbed Quinn's head with it gently, then continued wrapping the other straps around her head. He  prayed to himself she would live, and when he finished wrapping it around her head he took her hand. "Quinn. If you don't open your eyes right now, I don't know what I'd do actually. Just wake up. Please?" he said, before kissing her once more. He didn't know what he expected. He might have thought she was actually dead, that her heartbeat was an illusion. So when her lips twitched at his touch, his heart jolted. He immediately pulled off, and looked at her. Her eyelids twitched, and her perfect grey-blue eyes appeared. her mouth twitched too, and it broke into a small smile. "Don't say anything. You're going to be alr-" as he said it, he was interrupted by a loud explosion.

Albus sat up straight so he could look over the rubble to see what was going on. The large monument that had still stood before, was now gone. His father stood next to the remains, his face flustered and dirty. He'd destroyed the last Horcrux.

"Al..." a small voice said behind him. He immediately looked at Quinn. She was gazing at the other side of the rubble and when Albus followed her gaze, a large bald man was standing there.

"Albus Severus Potter." He said, in a high-pitched voice. "Saved the girl, ruined the enemies' weapon. Now the only thing left to do for you, is kill the enemy himself." He said. Before Albus could do something, Quinn was shifted towards him. "The problem is, it's you, or the girl. I can't have both of you living." He had Quinn in his grip, his wand pointed at her neck. Albus didn't know what to do. If he attacked the bald man, he'd have Quinn dead quicker. So, he had to make some diversion. And quick.

The idea was stupid, and most likely to fail, but it was the only thing he could think of to save Quinn. "You know what, I could help you." He said, trying his best to keep his voice stable. "I can help you become the best dark lord. In fact, I even have a special weapon at the ready for you." He said. The bald man seemed interested.

"You're lying. What is this special weapon?" he asked, his eyes narrowed to slits.

"I know a Horcrux for you. The best. No one will ever know, and I will Obliviate myself from it." Albus said.

The Dark Lord N. 2 didn't believe him, but was interested and probably afraid. "What is it?"

"If I told you, you'd disapparate with Quinn." Albus said, and the bald man laughed.

"You're clever, Potter." he said.

Albus eyed the man. "But I could still help you to become closer to the old Dark Lord than ever. Maybe, even further." The bald man had a light grip on Quinn by now, who seemed to have noticed this to be a chance. As the focus was on Albus, she managed to get her leg free, and aimed a kick. The bald man sunk to the ground in pain, and Albus threw his spell. Even though he didn't want to, he felt like he had to. "Avada Kedavra." he said, and the New Dark Lord was now dead. Quinn ran - it was more a drunk run because her head was probably throbbing like hell - towards Albus and threw herself in his arms.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang