Chapters 5: the First Quidditch Match

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Quidditch trials would be held soon, and Gryffindor was preparing madly.

The new team was: Fred (Keeper, Captain), James (Seeker), Molly (Chaser), Chris McLaggen (Chaser), Quinn (Chaser), and Joseph Killinchy (Beater), Owen Matt (Beater).

Albus was watching them practicing with Tyler, Rose and Felicia. Rose and Felicia sat in the back.

Quinn, Molly and Chris formed a brilliant team. Chris intercepted the ball, passed it to Molly, she passed it to Quinn and back to get to the goal and Quinn scored.

After the training Albus and Tyler went down to the pitch.

"So, Scorpius Malfoy, Slytherin's best Chaser, has a Golden Soar, so we have a problem. The rest of the team has Firebolt Supremes. Quinn, you fly amazing, really, but I still think you should get a Golden Soar. Are you still sure you can't have it?"

"Fred, I told you. My parents are not rich. They can hardly afford Hogwarts."

"You know, Quinn, if I had the money I'd buy it for you." Said Fred, and Quinn smiled.

"Thanks Fred. You're the best." She paused for a moment. "I'm going to shower now, I'm dirty."

Fred smelled the air. "I can only smell the Slytherins that are going to get beaten up when we're starting with them!"

Quinn laughed, and then she took her broom and moved to the castle.

When Albus and Tyler walked to the castle they ran into Courtney and a Ravenclaw boy. They were snogging. Yet to Albus' surprise Tyler didn't look very sad, angry, jealous or shocked. He looked... expressionless.

He wanted to walk on, but Courney noticed him. "Oh my god, Tyler! I'm so sorry, he kissed me, it's not what you think!" The other boy ran away.

Tyler shrugged. "It doesn't matter." he even sounded expressionless.

"No, it does, I love you, he kissed me! I didn't do anything!"

"But you are enjoying kissing him, keep on going."

Tyler walked on, but before Albus could follow him Courtney took his arm. "Is he alright?"

"I'm not sure, he never acts like this. But I'm following him now, okay?"

"No, I need to know if he's okay?" she said, and Albus rolled his eyes.

"You're a Ravenclaw, act like one. I won't know if he's okay if I don't check on him." snapped Albus.

Courtney smiled. "You're fierce. I like that."

Albus raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You're fun, cute, and fierce. Besides, a Potter."

"Can I say you were just eating that guy's face?" snapped Albus.

"That was a goodbye kiss, but he was still in it." she said.

"It looked intense."

"I told you, he got carried away."

"Courtney, I'm going to Tyler." he said, disgusted.


When he entered the common room Tyler sat on the couch, staring into nothingness.

"Tyler? Are you alright?"

Tyler nodded weakly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. But I've got to go, I have Music class in half an hour."

He got up and left.


November approached, which meant the Quidditch games would start. The first match was Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw, so it wasn't that special.

Albus was walking to the stands with Tyler, listening to Tyler's story about the World Cup.

"And then he caught the Snitch! It was awesome! My dad was cheering madly too, he was."

"Cool." Said Albus, and then he saw Quinn sitting in one of them, so he decided to join her.

Tyler followed Albus as Albus sat next to Quinn.

"Hey Quinn, we should go to my Grandparents' home next week."

Quinn looked at Albus. "But how are we going there?"

Albus shrugged. "I have no idea."

The Match began and Frederique Jordan started it with her commentary.

"Welcome dear Hogwarts, today's match: Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw! I hope you watch closely! Madam Hooch throws the Quaffle in the air and Steven Barglow catches it immediately. He throws it to his pal Jack but it is being intercepted by Annabeth Grace! She races across the field and throws it at Laura Anderson! Ravenclaw scores! The ball is up in the air again! Hufflepuff Chaser Liliana takes the ball and races to the other side, but is moved away by Peter Andrew! He passes the ball to Annabeth, and there goes, Annabeth scores!"

Albus looked at the game, but wasn't really paying attention. He was thinking about a way to go to his Grandparents' place. Broom? He couldn't fly. Apparition? They hadn't learned it yet. Floo? Wasn't going to happen. Portkey? He didn't have one.

"And Ravenclaw scores! 100-20! It looks like the Hufflepuff seeker has seen the Snitch! But the Ravenclaw seeker follows and approaches the Snitch. Annabeth scores again! And Peter catches it from the other side, throws it at Annabeth and she scores again! The seekers have lost the Snitch again! Ravenclaw seems to want at least a 150 points more than Hufflepuff so they won't have trouble if Hufflepuff catches it!"

Then it hit Albus. He could ask that lady in Hogsmeade in the transports shop!

"Quinn, I have an idea. Next weekend is Hogsmeade weekend, right?"

Quinn nodded.

"We can go to the Transports shop." Said Albus, and Quinn nodded.

"140-20! Still 30 to go! The Snitch is still not caught - No! Ravenclaw seeker has something in sight! Closer, closer, RAVENCLAW CATCHES THE SNITCH, 290-20 RAVENCLAW WINS!"

Everyone got up and cheered, and Albus could see his brother James running on to the field to kiss his girlfriend. Albus, Tyler and Quinn left the stands - along with everyone else - and walked to the Gryffindor common room, when they ran into Professor Slughorn.

"Albus! I have planned a Slug Club Meeting for tomorrow. Are you coming?"

Albus nodded. The meetings were always fun.

"Well, see you in my office, then. Tell the others for me, will you?"

Albus nodded, and then he turned to Tyler and Quinn. "I'm going to the library to study. Want to come?" Both Quinn and Tyler nodded, and they continued to the common room to get their books.


Hey Reader!

Okay, First things first. I have a MASSIVE writer's block. It annoys me, and I keep trying to write more, but then I think it's sloppy. Please just, comment ideas because I can't continue even though I want to.


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