Chapter 24: Rose's Plan Fails

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I know I changed the end of the previous chapter but it worked better this way =)


Albus for a change didn't gasp as he took in what he heard. It came as a shock, but he didn't find it a bad one. Before one entered the Hospital Wing itself there always was a small space one had to walk through, and people would usually wait out there. The first thing he saw was James. He was sitting on a little bench you could see when you walked in and looked to your left. Albus saw a pair of legs - girl legs, as she wore the girls outfit - to his right. Albus stopped in his tracks and kept silent, curious.

"So, Annabeth, you wanted to tell me something?" James said, and the girl answered.

"James. I know I broke up with you, and I'm sorry. I have some news." she said.

James leaned forward and took the girl's hands. "Annabeth, I have missed you so much. It's okay. Anything you tell me, is okay."

"I'm pregnant." she said, and Albus finally got surprised without gasping.

James gasped, though. "Really? Is it- is it mine?" he asked, and Albus figured the girl nodded, as James jumped up, not noticing Albus. "How long have you known?"

"About an hour." she answered. "But I don't really know what to do. I'm thinking of letting Madam Pomfrey handle this."

James bit his lip. "If you want to keep it, I'll never leave your side if that's okay with you. If you don't, we will tell this to Madam Pomfrey and no one else will know about it, and I will still never leave your side. I really, really think you should be the one to decide, Annabeth. I love you. You'll make a wise decision, Wise Girl." he said, and Albus smiled. Then, James looked to his right, and he saw Albus. "Oh crap. Albus, did you just hear all that?"

Albus nodded. "But your secret is safe with me." He said, and James smiled.

"It better. If you dare tell anyone, I'll kill you. Can you like, go now?" he asked, and Albus nodded, before opening the next door. He didn't leave entirely though, he wanted to hear what Annabeth said. So, he opened the door a little bit.

"So, Annabeth, what are you going to do?"

A sigh. "I kind of want to keep it, as it feels kind of special, but I think it might ruin us, and it's not even a human yet. I think I should go with the smartest plan, and have Madam Pomfrey fix it, but only if you're okay with it."

"I'm okay with any decision you make, as long as we're back together. I love you, Annabeth. I love you so much, I can't even describe it. But I'll try. Annabeth, I love you more than a drowning man loves air, and you're so much smarter than me, compared to you, my brain is just like seaweed."

Annabeth 'aww'-ed. "Listen up, Seaweed brain, I love you more than you love me. I regret every second that we were away from each other. So I will make our love everlasting. But before we do that, I will talk to Madam Pomfrey, and we'll forget that it even happened." she said, and Albus smiled. He turned around to tell Tyler and Luke about where they were going when he saw something else that warmed his heart.

Oliver and Luke were calmly talking. Albus didn't wish to interrupt, but he walked towards them anyways. "Hi. So, Luke, we are going to the place, and dad said you guys should stay here for a little while. Take care of Tyler, will you?" he said, and wanted to walk out, when Oliver grabbed his wrist.

"Listen, Albus. I'm still not okay with Tyler being with a boy, but after what happened to him today, I see that Luke really loves him, and I believe that feeling is mutual for them. I'm sorry for insulting you." he said, and Albus shrugged.

"Okay. Tell Tyler you're okay with it. He might, and I say might, forgive you. I have to go. See you." he said, and he pulled his wrist out of Oliver's grip, opening the door. When he looked to the right, James and Annabeth were kissing intensely, so Albus quickly walked on.

Harry looked at him confused. "Albus, what took you so long? And why are you smiling like that?"

"Because two romances just got fixed but I can't tell you guys." he said, when the door opened. Luke came out, followed by a weak Tyler, who was leaning onto Luke.

"You guys can't be heroes without us." he said, but Harry shook his head.

"No, you have to stay here. Especially you, Tyler."

But Tyler didn't want to stay here. So, they ended up going with the full group anyway, and got ready to go to Malfoy Manor. Again.


The group left Harry at the chimney they would go through to get to Malfoy Manor, Scorpius first, Albus last.

When Albus scrambled out of the fireplace he saw they were surrounded by Death Eaters. Scorpius was talking to them. "Like I said, it's not in our alliances, it's Ervin's. He disarmed Harry Potter before we could reach him." he said.

All heads were turned to Felicia, and one of the Death Eaters spoke. "Felicia, what are you doing here?" he asked, and Albus knew the perfect answer.

"She, err, she nearly set that Potter boy's hair on fire, so she's on our side." he said.

The Death Eater grunted, then spoke. "We really need to get alliances of the Elder Wand, which we already own. So we can get Ervin over here and be done with it, right?" he said, and the group eyed each other. That was not a part of the plan. "There's only one problem. I know Ervin, and by now, he might've picked fights with everyone around him and possibly lost a lot too. So basically we're screwed. And that's all your fault. But, we shouldn't have trusted you with the task, so, we'll be nice for a change, and we already know who the owner is with just one spell. Revelio Dominus!" he said - the Elder Wand on his hand, and the wand started spinning. It stopped and pointed at Luke. "You filthy liars!" he yelled, and he pointed the wand at him. However, right before he could hit them, Felicia had grabbed them all and disapparated on the spot.


They landed somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in a place Albus didn't know. Felicia was on the ground, gasping for air, Rose clutching onto Scorpius, Tyler onto Luke, and Quinn vomiting in the bushes. Albus ran to Felicia and knelt over her. "You saved us." he said, and she nodded at him, still gasping for air. "How can I help you?" he asked, and she shrugged weakly. He helped her sit up and pounded on her back, which helped a little, apparently. Then he remembered an old trick he had learned earlier. He pressed on her chest three times, then placed his mouth over hers, taking her by surprise, and blew air in her lungs. It worked, she coughed and held onto Albus.

"Were even again." she said, and Albus looked in her eyes, forgetting everything in that moment. Her blue eyes seemed to swallow every bad and good thing that happened, so Albus leaned in, and kissed her, to feel what he had missed. She smiled during the kiss, and Albus felt like they could kiss forever, when someone coughed. Quinn. Albus and Felicia broke the kiss.

"Okay, great, you guys are together again. Now can we go back to the castle, please?" she asked, and Felicia nodded. She grabbed everyone and they apparated again, to Hogsmeade.


Hey Guys!

So, Felicia and Albus are together again! Do you like it?

Okay, we're really close to a thousand reads and I want to do something special, so I'm thinking of a Chapter from the POV of a completely different character like James or something. What do you think I should do? Just tell me your idea and I might do it.



Ps: I have dedicated this chapter to my best friend Lilja, AKA @PercabethCaleo4ever because I made some references to something she loves and because she's amazing so... yeah.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now