Chapter 32: What A Bet!

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Albus thought his tests went alright. Tyler and Luke didn't talk at all for the full testweek, and Albus saw some glimpses of Ralph and Luke. Quinn was rather close to Rose and Felicia, and Fred seemed to be hanging around with James a lot, who also was busy with Annabeth a lot. The day of the End-Of-Year-Feast Albus and the others sat by the Black Lake as it was very hot.

Scorpius played with Rose's hair while he spoke. "Albus, what do you think we should do about the Horcruxes?"

"How should I know?" said Albus, and then he added, "Actually I do have an idea. We're going to celebrate summer and ask my dad what to do and then we'll go ahead and search for the Horcruxes." he said.

Rose cleared her throat. "About the summer holidays, Scorpius do you want to come along? I'm not sure my dad will approve but if I ask my mum she'll probably say it's fine." she said, and Scorpius nodded.

"I'd love to." said Scorpius as he sat up. "But I have to owl my dad, first. And I know that your parents would disapprove of us being together, so will we like go as friends, or?" He said, and Rose shrugged.

"We'll see." she mumbled. Albus turned to Felicia and Tyler, who were talking about a test.

"Do you guys want to come too? We'll be with all six of us then, it'd be smart." he said, and Quinn coughed. "Quinn, you're living with us for the coming summer. You don't have a choice." he said, and she chuckled. Just then, Ervin and his posse came over. Albus remembered one boy in first that had been in his posse, a guy named Phil, who then turned out to be a true Hufflepuff. Ervin snickered at the sight of the Gryffindors near the lake.

"What do you want?" Quinn asked, and Ervin chuckled.

"What I want, is to talk to you, you filthy little Mudblood." he said, and Quinn raised a brow.

She got up but wasn't nearly as tall as Ervin. "What did you just call me?" she asked, and Ervin stepped even nearer.

"A Mudblood. Now come on, I need to talk to you. Alone." he said, but Quinn scanned him.

She stepped even closer - so close there were mere inches between them. "What are you going to do then, what is this about. Is it so important you need your posse of losers?" One of Ervin's friends was about to lunge himself onto Quinn, but another stopped him.

"Calm down, Derek. Just chill." he said. Derek relaxed a little.

"So, Jones, what is it? What could possibly be so important, you can't say it in front of my friends." said Quinn, still very close to Ervin.

"W-well. I-I just. Y-you're a-a l-little close. Mudblood." He stammered, making Quinn smirk.

She glanced over her shoulder to the others. "Really? Is it that intimidating? Well, let's see how intimidating I am when I smack you. Just spit it out." she said, and Ervin nodded.

"Okay. Well, I wanted to dare you and your... gang for a match of Quidditch, but it seems you lost a pal. That way, you will need an extra player, am I right?" he said, and Quinn nodded.

"Deal. But let's make it more exciting. If we win... you have to officially pass Gryffindor House all the points you had. And you can do that, as you are an ex-prefect." she said, and Ervin gulped.

"And if we win...-"

"We have to do the same?" Quinn said, but Ervin shook his head.

He chuckled. "No. If we win... you all have to jump into the lake right after the End-Of-Year-Feast when everyone goes outside." he paused. "but, naked." Quinn's eyes widened.

"Are you bloody serious? That's ridiculous! I'm not going to-" she started, but Felicia interrupted.

"Deal. Good luck, brother." she said, and Ervin grinned, and shook her hand.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum