Chapter 44: The Attack

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Albus restrained from gagging when they arrived at the Ministry. Sure, he'd apparated loads of times, but he felt very bad about a lot at the same time, which, incidentally, didn't really help. He let go of both Tyler and Quinn's hands and followed them to the huge statue in the middle of the large foyer. He'd been in the Ministry before, often, actually, but it always seemed to be huge. In the middle of that large foyer was a huge statue. It was made of a strong type of stone, but Albus didn't know everything about stones, so he had no idea what kind of stone it was. It represented Hogwarts, the Ministry, Death and a lot more, and it was a monument to remember the Battle of Hogwarts. Why it was in the Ministry and not at Hogwarts was a mystery to Albus, but he was used to it just being there. At the bottom of the large statue was a text that only now spiked Albus' attention.

In Remembrance of the Fallen Wizards and Witches of the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998.

They will Always be in our hearts.

Albus smiled weakly, then realized he'd have to get away with destroying the monument, and then he saw that awful Rita Skeeter approach them. "Albus Potter! I didn't think I'd see you here! How are you today, I see you brought friends and a house elf. Wait, don't I remember you? You're that drunk one?" she blabbed, and Albus rolled his eyes.

"Can you leave us alone for a while? We've got some business to-" he was interrupted by loud cracks. Around him appeared over twenty Death Eaters, including Ervin.

The first thing that came into his mind was take the Basilisk's fang from Quinn's grip, then plant it in the monument. So he did. He took it from her hand, and spun around to the monument. But there was someone in front of him. Someone of whom Albus never had expected to be one of them. "What do you want to do?" she asked. "Kill it? Didn't think so." she said, and then she took it from Albus, before running towards Flynn. "I'm doing this for you." she said.

Albus, still surprised by seeing her, had to take a moment before getting in action. He aimed his wand and started shooting spells and curses at the people around him, careful not to hit one of his friends. Winky wasn't in sight, and Albus hoped she was okay. He looked at Quinn, who was battling over the fang. Tyler was shooting spells and curses at well, and Flynn was looking around, unsure whose side he was on. All because of her.

Albus didn't know how many Death Eaters he'd stunned and exploded before Ervin stood in front of him. Over the sound of people dying, yelling, explosions and spells, Albus yelled at him. "Filthy traitor!"

Ervin boomed a laugh just like in first year when they'd sat in the little boat with Rose and Quinn. "You just wanted to know what it was! You didn't ask me to keep away what you were going to do!" he yelled back. Albus bit the inside of his cheek. He was right. They hadn't stopped him from telling on them. Ervin raised his wand and started uttering a spell, but someone pushed him aside. It was her.

"Felicia!" Albus yelled. She looked at him, smiled weakly, mouthed a sorry.

"I'm so sorry, Albus. I had to. I had to save my boyfriend." she said.

Albus looked at her, confused. "I didn't mean that, I meant you coming here. With the Death Eaters. I get you saved me from your brother, but-"

"Albus. You're not my boyfriend. Not for real, anyway. I was with the Death Eaters from the beginning." she yelled. "I came to Hogwarts because I had to become close to you, in order to save Flynn, my boyfriend." she said.

Albus' heart sank. "You never actually loved me like that? Not once?" he asked, forgetting about the fights.

"I did. I felt a lot for you. But not as much as I still had for Flynn. He isn't bad, he freaking helped you guys." she said. Albus shook his head.

"I can't believe you. You're a liar." he said. He looked around and saw familiar people fighting. Half of them had red hair. His family was fighting the Death Eaters. Again. "Go." he said to Felicia. "Just go."

He'd half expected her to say she had to do this and couldn't go, but instead, she nodded. "If that's what you want." she said, and when she'd taken Flynn's hand, she disapparated. Albus felt like breaking down and crying. Nothing went as planned. But he couldn't. Because around him, Death Eaters and his family were fighting. He spun around and attacked more Death Eaters.

Ervin was still on the floor, so Albus stunned him first, so he wouldn't get up. He saw a flash of Karkaroff, and many others as well. Quinn was fighting two Death Eaters, making sure they couldn't pass her to the rest of the Ministry. Her hair was a mess, but she looked amazing. Albus couldn't help but smile, before running to Tyler, to help him. He was pinned to a wall by two Death Eaters, and a third was about to attack, but Albus aimed his wand first. He wasn't the one to stop him, though. His Uncle Percy had killed off the Death Eater. And he looked very proud over it. Albus instead stunned the  Death Eater on Tyler's left, and Tyler, then being able to reach his wand, stunned the one on his right. Albus' heart went berserk, and he spun around again to help his other uncle, George, but he tripped. Roaring pain soared through his ankle, but that wasn't going to stop him. He got up - ankle throbbing - and ran towards his uncle. "Expelliarmus!" he bellowed, and the Death Eater's wand flew from his hand. George caught it.

"Thanks, Little Harry." said George. "Stupefy!" George yelled, and Albus smiled. He ducked as a Death Eater attacked him.

Just then, he heard a scream. It was loud, high-pitched, and more familiar to Albus than any scream. It was Quinn's. He spun around, and screamed. Above Quinn, the roof collapsed, onto Quinn. Albus didn't know how fast he could run. He didn't care about the throbbing ankle, all he cared about was Quinn. "Quinn!" his voice pierced through the Ministry, as if the sounds of dying and explosions weren't loud. He started digging in the rubble that had covered her. Her hand appeared, and he continued throwing away pieces of Ministry-roof. Tears erupted from his eyes like a volcano already, and his vision blurred. He'd found her head. Blood was all over her hair, and Albus had to swallow a couple of times, while pulling her out of the pile of rubble. "Don't you dare, Quinn." he said, his voice shaking. She didn't move. Albus cried, his tears covering her beautiful face. "Say something! Move! Just, don't die! Don't. Die!" he said, before doing something he'd wanted to do for a very long time. 


Hahaha, that's one cliffhanger, isn't it? I know you love me. So, the next update will be like, next week or something? It will be twice as long as one of my average chapters, so, like, 3000 words or something, I dunno.

ANYWAY! Did one of you die during this chapter? Do you think Quinn is alive? Do you hate Felicia even more than you already did? Okay, maybe that's not possible, like, none of my readers liked Felicia in the first place. What is it Albus did he wanted to do for a very long time?

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