Chapter 35: Air Full of Sorrow and Anger

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The family went outside and circled around James, who was holding the new broom he got. "Alright then. Teams... Let's see... We're with 17 players... That means 3 can't play..." He said, and he looked around. "Any people who volunteer not to play?" He asked, and Albus, Rose and Tyler - for he had a hurting ankle - sat down with the adults. "Okay... Then, I will be the captain of team red and Annabeth, you can have team blue." he said, and he eyed her daringly. "Ladies first." he said, and she looked around.

"Can I choose two at once?" she asked, and James shook his head. "Fine. Lysander." she said, and the blond boy went to stand next to her.

James looked around. Albus knew what would happen. If he chose Lorcan, Annabeth would choose Quinn and they'd have an immediate head start. If James chose Quinn, Annabeth would have both Lorcan and Lysander, the top Beater team. "Hmm. Quinn." he said, and Annabeth chose Lorcan. "Fred." The redhead joined his best friend.

Annabeth chuckled. "I don't know all of you. Erm, Dominique." she said.

"Okay, erm, Molly." said James.

Annabeth looked around again. "You. I'm sorry, I forgot your name." she said, pointing at Lucy.

"It's Lucy." said James before Lucy could say anything. "I pick Hugo." he said.

From Annabeth's left Lucy whispered something in her ear. "Oh, good one. Scorpius."

James was up next. "Louis."

"Well, I suppose I'll pick Roxanne." said Annabeth, and as she was the last, Lily joined her brother.


Charlie would commentate, and they all circled around the field. "Alright then. Team blue - under Ravenclaw Annabeth - versus Team red - under Gryffindor James. Let's see who will win, shall we? On one side we have keepers Fred and Dominique, Beaters Louis & Hugo and Lorcan & Lysander, Chasers Quinn, Lily & Molly and Roxanne, Scorpius & Lucy, and last but not least Seekers James and Annabeth. May the best win!" he said, and Harry walked onto the field to release the balls and throw up the Quaffle. "Alright, here we go then. The match has begun! The Quaffle is released and immediately confiscated by the great Chaser Quinn. She passes the ball to Lily, who races towards Dominique - hold on, Lucy takes over the Quaffle and passes it to Scorpius. What a race going on there. Ouch, that Bludger Lorcan released must hurt, am I right, James? No, he's fine."

"There he goes, Scorpius flies gently through all of them, well, gently, he knocks Quinn over, there he goes, passes the Quaffle to Roxanne - she aims, and scores! 10-nil for team Blue! Lysander makes a nice hit but Fred manages to avoid it. There goes the Quaffle again, Molly has it and passes it to Lily, to Quinn, and back to Molly. This might actually work- what did I tell you? They score! 10-10! Let's see, have James and Annabeth spotted the lovely gold yet? No, they haven't. Too bad, they haven't beaten my awesome super-quick record. Wait a second, is that the Snitch? No, I'm just kidding. Oy, I said I was joking Mum, gerroffme! Anyways, Blue has scored again! 20-10 for Blue!"

Albus looked at the match with great interest, enjoying Charlie's commentation. "Another score! 40-20 for Blue! They're going great! However, it seems like that Bludger has knocked Dominique to the ground. Oh dear, it seems Lily is using this opportunity to score... Yes, 40-30, but Dominique is up on her broomstick again, and manages to stop the next ball from Quinn! Well done! There-" he stopped for a moment, and Albus looked sideways to see what was going on. The match seemed to stop for a moment too when people realized what was happening. Next to the house, a little away from the field, stood George, yelling at Gwen. "George? What are you doing?" yelled Charlie, and he - along with  the other adults - as the match stopped shortly as well - ran towards them.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now