Chapter 17: The Trip to Malfoy Manor

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As the four were allowed to leave again, Albus and Quinn returned to the library, which they obviously weren't allowed to enter. Albus hoped his dad wouldn't be angry, and sat next to Quinn on a bench near the entrance of the library. She turned to him.

"Those twins are so annoying, and Felicia's a right bitch, you know." She said. Albus nodded.

"I really thought she was nice. I can't believe I dated her..." Albus said, when Harry came out of the library. It took him a moment to see Quinn and Albus, but when he did he didn't look very happy.

"Albus, you are too much like me sometimes." He stated, and Albus looked at him. "Just don't continue doing stupid things." He said, and he ruffled Albus' hair. Harry continued walking and the class came out of the library as well. Some were smiling, possibly because they succeeded in making a Patronus. When Tyler, Luke, Rose and Scorpius exited, Albus and Quinn got up. Exactly that second some owls flew in to deliver the Daily Prophet. The six looked at the front page.


The six all looked at each other and thought the same: now. That made them run to Gryffindor Tower - and the Slytherin common room - to get some stuff. Albus, Luke and Tyler packed books, the old invisibility cloak and some more when Albus felt a small vile in his dirty robes. The Felix Felicis. He packed it and picked up a family photobook of the entire family. It even had a picture of dead uncle Fred. He stuffed it in his bag and followed Luke and Tyler out. They sat Quinn and Rose hurrying out as well, so the five ran to the dungeons. There, Scorpius was all ready.

"We have to go by broom." Tyler panter, which made both Rose and Albus look alarmed. "There's no other way with the Trace and everything." He panted, and Quinn nodded.

"Right. Are we going to ask more people to come? Fred?" Albus shook his head. "You're right, they'd see us coming. Then you can join my broom, Al." She said, and Albus felt he blushed, so he quickly walked towards the broomstickshed. There, they grabbed one brooms, knowing six would be too much, and both Scorpius and Quinn having their own. They were lucky it was very cold outside so no one would see them out.

Tyler and Luke went on one broom, Rose and Scorpius - actually being great Ancient Studies buddies, therefore friends - on Scorpius' Nimbus Bold, and Albus and Quinn on her Firebolt Surpreme. They flew up, Scorpius leading the way.

Albus clutched onto Quinn awkwardly. To Albus' right he saw Tyler and Luke, who seemed to really enjoy this. He couldn't see Scorpius and Rose, and he didn't really want to move because he was afraid it would make Quinn out of balance, and he didn't want to die. Why he then went to Malfoy Manor without telling anyone was a mystery to him. Perhaps it was to prove himself to the family, or to be like his dad. Albus didn't really know.

The trip took very long, as Malfoy Manor really wasn't near Hogwarts. So, Albus was happy he had put on a coat before they'd left, remembering how cold he was when they had gone to Malfoy Manor. After a long while, Quinn suddenly made a dive. That meant they'd arrived. They stood outside the large gate.

Scorpius moved to the doorbell. Rose slapped his hand. "What are you doing?" She hissed.

"Trust me, hang on." He reached into his bag, which was slightly bigger than the others. Out of it came five pairs of Slytherin robes. Two girls, three boys. The five put them on, listening to Scorpius' explanation. "You are my best Slytherin friends and hate the Potters and Weasleys. If they doubt you they will ask you where the common room is. It's behind the wall in the dungeons. We will not attack, just gather information. If we do that, nothing will go wrong." With that, he pressed on the doorbell.

A low and raspy voice came from the little speaker. "Who is it?"

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, I brought some friends."

"What are you doing here?"

"My friends and I want to help you with a new Dark Lord. I overheard the young Potter boy about it."

"How do we know you're not an imposter?"

"Why would you doubt it's me, Daver." Scorpius snapped, the man on the other side, probably the Daver, seemed to believe him.

"Okay he recognized my voice, it's him." A buzzer was heard and the door opened. Scorpius, followed by the five Gryffindors entered. At the door stood a tall man, clearly a Death Eater. Next to him stood an old lady, smiling at Scorpius.

"Hi grandma!" Scorpius said, hugging her.

The six were led inside and brought to the guest room, where six beds were conjured. They placed their stuff down As the door was closed.

It was silent for a moment, and Rose broke the silence. "Now what do we do?" She whispered, and Scorpius sighed.

"We find out who the new Dark Lord is going to be, and kill him." He whispered. Then he was taken by surprise when Rose hugged him.

"You're amazing, you know." She whispered, and Albus saw Scorpius blush slightly. He chuckled, making Scorpius blush even more.

Everyone was silent again. Then someone knocked on the door. "Scorpius and friends, are you coming for dinner?" Narcissa Malfoy, Scorpius' grandmother. The six got up and followed her to the Large deining hall, which was files with about a dozen other people Albus didn't recognize, and some he knew from wanted posters. They sat down and ate in silence. Then, the man that had opened the door, Daver, stood up.

"We have six new recruits with us. Scorpius, and... I don't know your names." He said, and they were to say names.

"These are Jon Michaels," said Scorpius, pointing at Luke, "Axel Peters," Tyler, "Emily Anderson," Rose, "Gladys Pierce," Quinn, "and Zack Spinner." And Albus.

"Alright, these are our new recruits. We have not yet chosen our new Dark Lord, but those Horcruxes will be there. We have decided to use beter Horcruxes, ones that Potter won't be able to destroy. Igor Karkaroff bas been off to search for the Ressurection Stone to return the Dark Lord, who will choose the new one. This dinner is dedicated to him as well." He sat down again and they were allowed to talk again.

Scorpius spoke. "Has Karkaroff found the stone yet?" He asked, but Daver shook his head.

"Actually, Scorpius, it's great that you are here, as Harry Potter is still a teacher at Hogwarts. If you manage to defeat him and find the Elder Wand, we are invincible. So, tomorrow you will return to Hogwarts and fulfill the task, and you will be rewarded. You will have two weeks." He stated, and Scorpius nodded.

"Yes, I will." He said, and Daver smiled.

Then, Albus spoke. "How do we know the Elder Wand is even still here?" He said.

"Well, Zack, we know that, as we know Harry Potter would think to be wise hiding it. He's not, however."

"But what if he suspected you to think that."

"Potter only works on luck, he's too stupid for that." Daver finsihed, and Albus nodded. He knew for a fact the Elder Wand still existed, as Dumbledore had told him that once. "Anyway, you should go and sleep, you look tired." He said, and the six got up and went to the guest room.

"Scorpius, I have an idea." Said Rose, catching everyone's attention. She lowered her voice. "We inform un- Harry and then one of us defeats him and then we make sure either Ervin or Felicia or someone defeats him after, with like the disarming spell, then they will go after them and not us, Harry defeats one of us again, and then if they find out we let someone defeat him again. That way, they won't find out who actually owns the Elder Wand and we can't have dome it because Ervin or Felicia or someone was 'the first to have defeated Harry Potter.'" She whispered, and Scorpius smiled.

"You're a genius, you know that?"

"Why the tone of surprise?" She said, and smiled. They all laid down on their beds, and Albus was the first to fall asleep.


When they woke up, early in the morning, Daver sent them off back to Hogwarts, letting them fly on their brooms. Albus, still very sleepy, clutched onto Quinn again. As soon as they arrived at Hogwarts, they searched for Harry, when they ran into McGonagall who did not look happy.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now