Chapter 12: To Tell or Not To Tell

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Okay, I know I usually do my Author's Notes on the bottom of the chapter but I have to tell you guys this. So, I had a testweek this week, and my last test today was Latin. Guess what it was about? Well?

I HAD TO TRANSLATE A PART OF HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE TO DUTCH. I was so fucking happy and I nearly fell into fits of laughter. My test was about Harry Potter. I never dreamt of more omg I am so happy now. But I'm going to write the next chapter now, Love you guys so much!


The entire ride they sat in silence. Usually they would talk about school, or a new book they'd read. Now, however, Rose, Albus, Tyler and Felicia sat in silence. Quinn and Fred were probably snogging in a different carriage, and every time Albus thought of it he felt a black pit in his stomach and got the urge to vomit. Sure, he liked Felicia, and she was a great kisser, but he hadn't spoken much to Quinn since his accident with the Butterbeer.

They got off the carriage and followed the crowd into the Great Hall. As usual, the Headmaster held a little speech before the dinner came up.

Then, Tyler spoke. His voice was deeper than normal and filled with misery and anger. "Albus, don't you have to go to Madam Pomfrey to check on you?" he said, and he got looks from people at the table.

"Tyler, what happened to you? Are you okay?" asked Luke Finnigan, a boy from their dorm.

Tyler looked at him. "I'm fine. In fact, I've never been better." He said.

Luke looked from Albus to Tyler to Quinn - who was laughing with Fred and poking her french fries in his cheek. "Have you had a fight?"

Albus shook his head. "No, she's just being happy Quinn, dating funny Fred."

Then, Luke's girlfriend, Anna spoke up. "You're jealous. You have a crush on Quinn!" she said.

Albus shook his head. "She's... She was my friend, and now she's dating my cousin. Perfectly fine with it, aren't I?"

It was quiet for a moment. Lily - who sat not far from them, next to Quinn - looked over at Albus and narrowed her eyes with an evil smile on her face. She coughed, while Albus shook his head at her.

"Well, he's probably happier than ever, I mean. You are so close to-hmngj!"

Quinn had placed her hand over Lily's mouth. "Eww, Lily don't lick me! If you dare say it I will kill you. You know they're my friends and you know I can make your live more miserably than you can imagine. You're dating a Slytherin, and I can say more but I'm nice." she snapped, and the entire Gryffindor table went silent. Some people started whispering, things like 'a Slytherin?' and 'Potter?'

"I was going to say he was happy because he's dating Felicia now." said Lily, not looking at Quinn.

In the corner of Albus' eyes, he could see Tyler looking relieved. Albus smiled at Quinn, and she smiled back, then mouthed: 'We need to talk. The three of us.'

Albus nodded, and held up nine fingers for 9 o'clock.


After the dinner, Albus, Tyler and Quinn walked to the corridor where they'd first found the Room of Requirement. Albus asked it for a room they could talk, and it appeared. It was like a living room, fireplace and all.

"Tyler, I know about it. I wasn't there when Lily told the entire family, but Fred told me. Albus' whole family spoke about behind both your backs. And something might've already known. I mean, you do take Music, have a very good taste of matching colors - I mean, you helped me choose colors for my room at home - and well, you did have troubles with the girls you dated." said Quinn, smiling. "I felt bad when Fred told me. Not because you are gay, but because he told me, while I wanted to be told myself. Yet, we hadn't spoken a lot, so... yeah. We'll find the perfect guy for you, I'm sure of it."

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz