Chapter 27: About new Horcruxes

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Albus watched the Death Eaters bow, unable to do anything. He wanted to run up there and attack them and kill them and just basically destroy them, but he couldn't. So, he watched them leave again, before he turned to Tyler.

"Tyler, what are we going to do now?" he asked, and Tyler shrugged.

He bit his lip. "I really don't know." he said, and Albus sighed.

"Maybe we should inform the rest." he said, but before he could walk back to the castle Tyler grabbed his arm.

"Al, how did they know where to look? That's both for the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone." he said, and Albus nodded.

"I never really thought about it, but you're right. How did they find these items. Especially, how did they do it so quickly?" he asked, partly to Tyler, but mostly to himself.

As they returned to the castle they discussed that subject, and when they arrived at the castle Luke, Felicia, Rose and Quinn stood near the gate through which the two entered.

Rose spoke first. "Where did you go?"

"They have chosen a new Dark Lord." answered Tyler, and the others gasped.

Felicia squeezed herself past Quinn and Luke, before pulling Albus in a hug.

"Are you okay?" she asked, and Albus chuckled.

"I'm fine, relax." he said, when he saw Quinn's face. She looked angry, so Albus quickly released Felicia. "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." he said, avoiding both Felicia and Quinn's eyes.


The next day consisted of Albus sitting in the library to study for Transfiguration, before saying goodbye to his father as Professor Chubbs returned as their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. As the Summer Holidays approached slowly there were some tests that would tell you if you could go on to seventh year, which was the year you'd be doing the N.E.W.T.S. In the late afternoon he sat by the fire studying with Felicia.

"Al, haven't you studied enough yet? The test is only next week?" she said, before stealing a kiss. Albus chuckled.

"I failed the last test and if I fail again McGonagall will kill me." he answered, and Felicia laughed.

She closed her Transfiguration book. "Well, I feel like I know everything now, and I'm hungry so I'll go and eat." she said, and got up, grabbed her books and went up to her dorm.

Just then Quinn came down from the girls' dorm. She definitely saw Albus but pretended not to see him and walked straight to Fred, who greeted her in a kiss. Albus sighed and closed his books and brought them back to his dorm before meeting Felicia in the common room again.

He had breakfast with her and then followed Tyler and Luke to the greenhouses, where professor Longbottom had them repot Snargaluffs. Quinn was having long conversations with Chris McLaggen, which Albus didn't like. Clearly she was angry at Albus, and even though he didn't quite like the fact that they were fighting, Albus really thought Quinn was the one being ridiculous. The only thing Albus did, at least, as far as he knew, was dating Felicia. And there was nothing wrong with that, was there?


The next day Albus sat at the black lake with Scorpius, because Rose and Felicia were catching up on a few things.

"Hey Al, do you think the Death Eaters are currently creating new Horcruxes?" Scorpius asked, and Albus shrugged.

He looked up the sky to see the grey clouds. "It's going to be raining. But to answer your question, I think that they will. And there is something I'm quite sure they will turn into a Horcrux." he said, and Scorpius looked at him expectantly.

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