Chapter 43: He Can't!

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*Albus' POV*

Albus and Harry stared at each other blankly for a moment. Then Harry spoke. "But Albus, I would never forgive myself if you died. I don't care if I get in danger. I care for you, and Lily, and James, and Ginny, and everyone. Go home. I can do this." he said, but Albus shook his head. Then he crushed his father in a hug.

"Dad, I love you, but I won't stop with this search. Let's just do this together. There's a Horcrux here. I don't know where exactly, but it's here. Can you like, sense it? Like you did before?" Albus asked, but Harry shook his head.

"No. I don't have a Horcrux in me anymore. But maybe we can figure out what it could be. They would do a Horcrux that meant someone to them and around here that would be-" his voice faltered and his expression turned grim. "I think I know what it is." he said darkly. He entered the graveyard and Albus and the others followed him. "If it were to be something important to them, around here, the most important thing I can think of is your grandparents' grave, Albus." Albus swallowed back a lump in his throat. His father reached in Hermione's bag, which he'd taken from Quinn, and took out a tooth. "This is a basilisk's fang. It's venom is implied with the power of the sword of Gryffindor's sword. Now, can I have the wand?" he asked, and Flynn handed it to Harry. He raised his hand with the basilisk's fang and impaled it in the wand, which exploded in dark smoke. "Now we need to do the same with my parents' grave." Harry said, as he walked towards it. However now, it was harder for him. He raised his hand above it, but couldn't bring it down again.

"Dad." Albus said. "Do you want me to do it?" he asked, looking at his father, ready to destroy the grave. "I can do it for you, if you want?" he offered, but Harry shook his head.

"I can do this myself, Albus." he said, and Quinn shook her head. She grabbed the fang from Harry's grip.

"I know you can't, Harry. Let me do it." She said, as she impaled the grave. Black smoke surrounded the space she'd hit the grave with. Behind her, Harry wailed. "It's okay. The Horcrux is gone." she said, and Albus hugged her. Every limb in his body and his mind wanted to kiss her, let her know he was completely head over heels for her, but the one part in his brain that pictures bad situations told him it could ruin their friendship completely. He let go of her again and turned to Flynn.

"Do you know anything about the last Horcrux?" he asked, but Flynn shook his head.

"No. But I know how we could find out. We have to get to Malfoy Manor again." he said, but Harry - who had sort of returned to his normal self - shook his head.

He looked at all of them. "I won't let you. You have to go home and act as if nothing is happening. I can handle this." he said.

"Dad, you can't. You couldn't destroy the gr-" Albus started, but he was interrupted by a voice.

It was a deep and dark voice. "Well done, Potters, you've figured out how to destroy two Horcruxes." Albus nearly couldn't recognize the person to whom the voice belonged until he looked at him. It was Ervin.

"Now Quinn, we could spare you, if you would just go out with me. But you will never figure out what the last Horcrux is."

Albus nodded. "So there's one more?" he asked, and Ervin flushed. "Alright. Well, tell us what it is." Albus said, and Quinn nodded. Then Albus got an idea. It was desperate, but it was the only idea he had. "If you tell us what it is, Quinn will give you one kiss." he said. Quinn flashed a look at him. Then she nodded.

"Sure. If you tell it what it is I'll kiss you." she said. Albus could see him debating this. But judging his look he wasn't going to give in quickly, and Quinn seemed to have noticed too. "Fine. Two kisses." she said, and then he looked at her.

"Make the Unbreakable Vow that you will." Ervin said, and Quinn sighed. "I won't have you run off afterward." he said.

"I promise I will kiss you, Ervin." Quinn said, and Ervin nodded.

He clasped his hands together. "You know what, I'll tell you, if you've kissed me first."

"No." Albus and Quinn chorused. Quinn added, "You'll run off. Just tell us, you can hold me while you do so I can't apparate, okay?" she said, and Ervin nodded. He took her arm and sighed.

"It's the Monumental building in the Ministry. He chose it to have opposed the purpose of it." he said, before kissing Quinn.

Albus was glad, yet disgusted by the kisses at the same time. He could tell Quinn hated every second of it, but he was glad they knew where to go. When he finally released Quinn - who was rubbing her lips in disgust - Ervin disapparated again. Harry turned to Albus.

"I can destroy that. I won't let you go alone, Albus." he said, while Albus took Quinn's hand and Tyler's hand, who took Winky's hand, who took Flynn's.

"I know you won't, Dad, which is why we go alone." he said, and before his father could do anything, the five of them apparated to the Ministry.


Gosh, I know I write short chapters. Anyway, camp was AMAZHANG! I love this camp sooooooo much!

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to harrypotter4lyfe7, to whom I have dedicated this chapter to.

Wait for the next update! =)



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