Chapter 25: Resurrection

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When they arrived at Hogsmeade it was very late. Albus and Felicia led the rest back to the castle, the entire walk in silence. Then, Albus reached over for Felicia's hand, and they looked at each other, then smiled. Albus raised her hand and kissed it.

From behind them Scorpius spoke. "Thanks for saving us, Felicia. We owe you one." he said.

Felicia shook her head. "No you don't, silly, Albus saved my life after I saved yours, then he kissed me, so I'm perfectly fine." she said, making Albus blush. Quinn, who was walking right behind Albus didn't look very happy. Felicia noticed and turned to her. "You'll be with Fred soon enough." she said, and Quinn eyed her. Clearly she didn't like Felicia.

It was quite a long walk, and when they arrived at the castle it was very quiet. They decided to go to Gryffindor tower when they ran into Harry.

"So, how did it go?" he asked, when he noticed Albus holding Felicia's hand. "Are you guys together again?" he asked, and they nodded. Harry smiled a little. "So, how did it go?" he asked again.

"They know a spell which they can use to track the owner of the Elder Wand, which basically means were dead." Quinn grumbled, and Harry ran his hand through his hair worried.

He sighed. "Then we might not be able to stop them if we can't kill the Wands' powers any time soon."

"Yeah, but I don't think we're welcome there anymore." said Luke bitterly.

The group nodded in agreement when Albus yawned. Tyler, Quinn, Felicia and Harry followed quickly, making Albus chuckle.

"You go and sleep." said Harry, and he made the Gryffindors go to Gryffindor tower, as he brought Scorpius to the dungeons.


The next morning Albus woke up fairly early once again. He always was the early bird. When he came down he saw Quinn sitting by the fire, a hot cup of tea in her hand.

"Hey." he said, and she spun around.

"Where's Felicia?" she asked, and Albus shrugged.

"Asleep, I think. Why?"

Quinn placed her tea back on the table. "Because she's not good enough for you, that's why. God, Albus, can't you see it?"

Albus shook his head. "No."

"That's because you're being oblivious." she said.

"And you're being ridiculous. She saved our lives!"

Quinn rolled her eyes. "As if apparating us is saving our lives." she said, and Albus nodded.

"Um, I think she was the only one that could, as she has succeeded in the lessons." Albus snapped.

Quinn shook her head. "Al, I just don't think you should date her, really. She's Ervin's sister, nearly set your hair on fire-"

"Quinn, just.. just go and talk to Fred, I don't want to have this conversation. I like Felicia, and you like Fred. So unless you want to say something else, I'm going to go." he said, and Quinn opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. Albus nodded. "Okay." he said, and went up to his dorm to get his stuff and get breakfast.

He didn't like to fight with Quinn, and just because he was dating Felicia again did not mean he'd lost his feelings for Quinn, but she was being ridiculous. He went back downstairs and looked at the couch Quinn was sitting on, then moved his gaze to the large Grandpa chair, in which Felicia sat. She noticed him and got up to go to breakfast with Albus.

"What was wrong with Quinn?" she asked as they reached the Great Hall.

Albus sighed. "She was angry at us, but I don't care, she's being ridiculous." he said, and she smiled. She reached over to his hand and took it.

They had breakfast quickly and left to go to the Charms classroom. It wasn't a very interesting lesson. Flitwick made them take notes, and Quinn sat on the other side of the classroom, next to Chris McLaggen. It made Albus feel bad, surely, but he didn't think he should apologize for dating Felicia.

After all the classes - except for Astronomy - Albus and Felicia went to the library to catch up on all the homework they still had to do, and the day was over quite quickly, so around midnight they went up to the Astronomy tower. While they were making a test by filling out star charts Albus heard a rushing sound that sounded a lot like a Death Eater apparating, so Albus moved his telescope slightly so he could use it to scan the Forbidden Forest in front of them. He saw a glimpse of movement and tapped on Tyler's shoulder next to him, who moved his telescope as well. Tyler also saw movement, and they both knew what it was. It was near the large Willow tree, so the Death Eaters probably were looking for the Resurrection Stone so they could ask Voldemort who the new Dark Lord would be. Albus looked at Tyler and mouthed: 'Follow my lead, okay?' Tyler nodded, so Albus took a deep breath, before making choking sounds. Tyler pretended to do the Heimlich at him.

Tyler looked at their professor, who looked at them with a brow raised. Tyler spoke. "I think I should bring him to Madam Pomfrey, he looks a bit peaky." he said, and they left, and as soon as the door behind them closed they broke into a run.

They ran out of the castle, Albus hoping the Death Eaters were still there, and they entered the forest, dodging branches and rocks. They reached the Willow and both stopped in their tracks. There were about a dozen of Death Eaters, in a circle, holding hands, one in the middle. He held a little black stone, which Albus figured was the stone, but he would never be able to defeat thirteen Death Eaters, even with Tyler. So, they had to stay there and listen to what they were going to do.

The Death Eater in the middle turned the stone thrice in his hand and spoke.

"Dark Lord, reveal yourself!" he said clearly, and gasped to nothing. Albus figured only the people with the stone have the ability to see their loved ones, but the other Death Eaters were performing Occlumency to see what was said. "Yes, My Lord. No, My Lord, he's still alive. No, we can't return you, My Lord. But we want to create a new Dark Lord to rule in your vain, My Lord. But, My Lord, we want you, My Lord, to decide who it will be. No, My Lord, I already told you that we can't return you, My Lord. Yes, My Lord. He got the Death Sentence, My Lord. Me? Are you sure, My Lord? Yes, My Lord. No, My Lord." Albus looked at Tyler, and both realized that the Death Eater in the middle would be the new Dark Lord. "Fellow Death Eaters. The Dark Lord has spoken. It will be I, Daver, who will be the new Dark Lord. I, Marcus Rowan Daver, am the new Dark Lord. Bow, for me and Dark Lord the First." he said, and the Death Eaters obeyed.



So, we have reached 1K so I will do a special chapter in which I will feature a few different POVs: Quinn's mother's ghost, James Potter II, Quinn herself and the new Dark Lord. Hope you like my extraspecial special!

Thank you so much for staying with the story, and I love you guys so much. A special thanks to @HelpTheWorld for giving me the idea of Quinn's mother's ghost!


Florence (Who's free today because her teachers are in Antwerpen)

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora