Chapter 26: Different POV's

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Thank you for reading this extraspecial special! I decided not to do a ghost because I don't think Muggles can become ghosts, but I'll have the event of them getting killed instead.


*Quinn's mother's POV*

Quinn's mother, Sophie, sat in the car next to her beloved husband, Victor. They were on their way to a special Plane design and flying conference in a little village somewhere near the border of England and Schotland. They had met each other on a previous conference of these. They stopped at the parking facility and exited the car. Sophie checked the car mirror to see if she looked alright, before following Victor to the building that would be hosting the conference.

As they entered Victor spoke. "I do hope Quinn is doing great at school, it would be very sad if she failed her school, she needs to have a good future."

Sophie nodded. "I think she should do great, and if she doesn't, she now knows how to control those strange powers of hers, so we could send her to that private school near the airport. Now, come honey, Mr Valdez is waiting."

Mr Valdez was a famous plane designer, and Mr and Mrs Rivers had always wanted to meet him.

It was a special occasion, and they met many famous people, including Mr Valdez. However, Sophie had a bad feeling about the day. She felt as if it might be able to end in a bad way.

And she had been right. A bit before a speech was to be held by the mayor, a loud bang was heard, and suddenly some cloaked figures appeared. Victor grabbed his wife's hand and they ran for it. They weren't on time, however. Flashes of light, which Sophie recognized as spells, flew around, and one of them hit Victor. Sophie knelt beside him. "No. No no no. Victor!" she yelled, before a flash of light stopped everything for Sophie.


*Quinn's POV*

Quinn sat on the large couch by the fire, holding a large cup of tea when she heard footsteps.

"Hey." a voice said, and she recognized it to be Albus. She spun around. Albus stood there, alone.

"Where's Felicia?" she asked, and he shrugged.

"Asleep, I think. Why?"

Because I like you and don't like you dating her. She thought, but that was not what she said. "Because she's not good enough for you, that's why. God, Albus, can't you see it?" she asked, hoping he'd see sense.

"No." he said, and he shook his head.

"That's because you're being oblivious." she said.

Albus snapped back. "And you're being ridiculous She saved our lives!"

Quinn rolled her eyes. "As if apparating us is saving our lives." she said, knowing perfectly well that that was the definition.

"Um, I think she was the only one that could as she has succeeded in the lessons." he snapped.

Quinn shook her head. "Al, I just don't think you should date her, really. She's Ervin's sister, nearly set your hair on fire." she said.

"Quinn, just... just go and talk to Fred. I don't want to have this conversation. I like Felicia, and you like Fred. So unless you want to say something else, I'm going to go." he said.

Quinn wanted to say a lot. She wanted to say 'Albus, I don't want you to date Felicia because I like you and only date Fred in the hope you get jealous but I might break up with him soon because I actually just want to be with you.' but she didn't, realizing Albus said he liked Felicia, so not her, so she closed her mouth again.

Albus nodded. "Okay." he said, and went up to his dorm.

Quinn really didn't like fighting with Albus, but he just had to see she liked him, or just that Felicia was a brat.

A bit later he returned, then left again with... Felicia.

Not long after, Fred came down, and he noticed Quinn. He walked up to her, and kissed her. Quinn smiled. She might like Albus best, but Fred really was sweet.

"I love you so much, Quinn." he said, and Quinn smiled. They went down to get breakfast as well, after which Quinn had to go to Charms class.


*James' POV* (Okay this one might be the longest because I totally ship James and Annabeth right now)

James followed Annabeth into the Hospital Wing, where she'd ask Madam Pomfrey to stop her pregnancy. James had said he didn't mind whether or not she'd keep it and he meant it. He was so happy when she said she loved him too, though he didn't quite understand why she had broken up with him.

Annabeth turned to Madam Pomfrey who sat at her desk. "Madam Pomfrey, could you perhaps - um - help me?" she asked, and Madam Pomfrey looked up.

"Why, if you tell me what the matter is, perhaps. You look perfectly healthy." she said, and Annabeth swallowed. She, together with James, found it very awkward. Surely, people already had asked her for help with this.

"Well, I-um, I sort of am..." she started, and Madam Pomfrey seemed to get it already by her bright red face.

"Why, You're pregnant? And you don't want to keep it? Oh, that just takes one silly little charm. If you will lie down, please." she said, and Annabeth did so. James sat down next to her, and it didn't take very long for Madam Pomfrey to finish.


As soon as Annabeth was allowed to leave James took her hand and they left. He pulled her after him all the way to the place he knew was the Room of Requirement.

"Annabeth, do you want to go swimming?" he asked, but Annabeth frowned.

"James, I'm not allowed to get wet, for some reason." she said, and James nodded.

He smiled. "But I have a trick for that. It's called Magic." he said, and he bent down so Annabeth could jump on his back. She did. James carried her to the Black Lake and set her back on the ground. "I can make a bubble around us." he said, and she smiled.

"If we do that, then yes, I'd like to go swimming." she said, and James performed the Charm. He stepped into the water, which swirled around him in a circle. He pulled Annabeth after him and walked deeper into the water. As they were in a bubble they could see everything around them, and James reached down to grab a blue stone from the bottom of the sea, which he gave to Annabeth. "I love you." He said, and kissed her.


Okay, who agrees with me that James and Annabeth are ADORABLE!

So, the next Chapter will be all Albus' again, but we now do know that Quinn loves Albus too...

I hope you liked my little special. =)



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