Chapter 31: Studying and Discussions

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Albus woke up by someone shaking him. He tried to shrug it off, but had to wake up in the end anyway. He got up, annoyed at Tyler who had shaken him, and went downstairs, only to see it was 7 am. Downstairs, Felicia and Quinn sat, waiting.

"What is it?" Albus asked, the morning still highly in his veins.

Quinn immediately got up when she saw him. "We have to talk to McGonagall. Now." she said, and Albus nodded. Felicia followed them as well. "What about Tyler, Luke, Scorpius and Rose though?" she asked, and Albus shrugged.

"I don't know, honestly. We'll see them later, now let's run for it, I have to study for Transfiguration later today." Albus grumbled, and they ran through the quiet, cold and empty corridors.

McGonagall's office was no unknown terrain for the three. They had been there far more often than they should have, and they stopped when they reached it. Albus knocked, and after a lot of rumbling and noise from the other side, the door creaked open. McGonagall looked at them sternly, her hair - for a change - not in a bun, but in a braid. She was still wearing night robes.

"Professor, we need to talk to you." Albus said, and McGonagall's stern look shifted to worried. "There's going to be a new You-Know-Who." said Albus, and McGonagall gasped. She threw open the door so the three could enter, and had them sit down in the ever-so-famous chairs.

"First of all, Mr Potter, that's ridiculous. But, I think you're being serious here." she said, and Albus nodded.

"We've seen them discussing it. Quinn was kidnapped, and the Quinn we had a little after the Funeral was actually a Death Eater." Albus said, starting to explain the events that had happened. By the time he finished, it was 8 am already.

McGonagall was silent for a moment. "So, what you're trying to say is that we have a new Dark Lord coming up and they already have a Horcrux?"

"Most likely."

"Oh." McGonagall said, "Listen, Mr Potter. I think we should talk to the Auror Office and have them fix this. I'm rather sure that ought to do the trick a lot better."

Albus bit his lip. "Professor, I think we should wait a moment before coming in action. We've seen them prepare, and they will be very careful until they have a couple of Horcruxes."

"Alright. You should study and do stuff while I contact your father at least. Now, off you go." she finished, and the three obliged, leaving her office.

As they returned to the common room they heard raised voices that were leaning to shouting. Albus said the password - the Fat Lady swung open - and they entered.

"You didn't? Well, I was in Hogsmeade for half an hour buying you a gift, and you go ahead and do this? I can't believe you!" Said the first voice, which belonged to Tyler.

The second voice belonged to, indeed, Luke. "I didn't do anything, I'm telling you!"

"And why would I believe that? He told me himself!" Tyler yelled. Albus jumped in between before either could start a fight.

"Okay, stop. What's going on? You were the cute couple, where did it go?" Albus asked.

Tyler was still looking at Luke angrily, and answered first. "That annoying Finnigan kissed Ralph Nelson, the Ravenclaw." He said, and Albus looked at him. Tyler bit his lip and Albus swore he could see tears in his eyes. Albus turned to Luke.

"Did you?"

Luke shook his head. "Nelson came up to me, told me he desired me, then from one moment to another, his lips were on mine. I didn't kiss him!"

Tyler shook his head. "But he told me you came up to him and randomly kissed him, much to his disgust."

Albus thought for a moment. "I think we should ask Ralph then." he said, and the two boys nodded. "In the mean time, could you stop fighting like girls?" he asked, rubbing his temple. Both Felicia and Quinn let out a 'hey!'


Around lunch-time Albus found himself talking to Ralph Nelson in the library. He had never spoken to the boy often, just during some classes, but he thought it was a nice boy. "So, there's this whole thing about you kissing Luke. Did you? I won't get mad, I promise." Albus said.

Ralph seemed to get uncomfortable. "See, I've known Luke for years as he lived down the street. We used to be really good friends until we went to Hogwarts and got split. So yesterday I talked with him and he told me about Tyler and stuff. Next moment, I can't believe I'm telling you, I realized that I actually liked Luke. And don't get me wrong, it wasn't like a reunited friendship, I've known me being gay for a long time. Then we stopped walking around the lake and both leaned in. So yeah, I kissed him, but he kissed me as well." Ralph said, and Albus nodded slowly.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me. And you should tell people, really. It did Tyler a lot of good."

"You're probably right. I'm going to study for Divination now, see you some time later. Bye Albus." he walked off. Albus hadn't expected it to go like this. But he figured he should tell both Tyler and Luke what really happened. So, he returned to the common room, where he found Quinn and Felicia talking happily, and Tyler and Luke both in a different corner studying. When he came in, however, the four stood in front of him in a second.

"Okay. I spoke to Nelson, and he said both Luke and him leaned in." he said, and Luke shifted around uncomfortably. Tyler noticed, and nodded.

"Okay. If that's what it is, we're done." he said, and he marched off. Felicia took Albus' arm and they went to the library to study together.


Their first test was on Monday, Defence Against the Dark Arts. After that, they had Charms. Albus thought it went alright, really. Quinn was nervous about Charms, though. But Albus assured her that she'd be fine, with all the duels they had had using Charms and stuff. Tyler and Luke weren't on speaking terms, which Albus could understand, and Felicia was just being Felicia, clingy yet lovely. As the day proceeded, they were studying mostly, caught a short glimpse of Rose and Scorpius, and were already planning for the summer holidays. Just like each year, Albus asked Quinn and Tyler - plus Felicia since this year - to come over, however Quinn now lived with him for the last summer, considering she was an orphan now and Albus had discussed this with his father a long time ago.


Okay, I'm so sorry, but I won't update until Thursday and then I promise on the river Styx that I will update a longer chapter than this - oh hang on, that's the wrong fandom =') - because I have a lot of tests this week and I need to finish this and just this little thing. Wish me luck, and vote, comment and give suggestions, whatever you feel like doing.


Florence (Continuing with History and Economics)

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