Chapter 7: Prepare for the Ball

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You're in luck! I've written like three chapters - I still have to edit - and they might come before my brithday coming Saturday.
As the ball approached everyone got excited. Albus wasn't, though. He liked Felicia, she was really nice to be around and everything, but he didn't like the idea of Fred and Quinn dancing around the Great Hall. Tyler would be going with Nicole Miles, who then became his new girlfriend who he kept kissing.

Albus, Quinn and Tyler were strolling through the halls when they passed the kitchens.

"Let's go visit Micky!" Said Albus, and the three entered the kitchens.

As soon as they did, a fat house elf smiled and walked towards them. "Mr Potter, how are you? We haven't seen you in quite a while! Are you looking for Micky? MICKY! POTTER'S HERE!" he bellowed, and the tiny - now a bit taller - house elf trippled their way.

"Albus Potter!" He exclaimed, and they hugged. "How wonderful, I will get some cookies and tea and sweets." He said, and he walked off again.

When the elf returned a huge crowd of elves circled around them.

"What's going on?" Asked Quinn, and Micky smiled.

"I-err I told them you have great stories to tell, can you tell us some?" He asked, and Albus nodded.

They sat down, and Albus raised his voice. "I will tell you my father's story. At least, the amount of it I know. I heard it from an old professor of his, whose name is not important. He told me, it all started with a prophecy. That's a prediction of the future." And like that, Albus retold Severus' story, as he had remembered it word for word.

The elves had listened carefully, and Tyler and Quinn enjoyed eating candy and cookies, and some of the elves even cried, like Winky. After the elves had clapped and cheered, the three decided it was time to go again.

The time had passed quickly, so the three found themselves sitting in the Great Hall for dinner again, yet when they walked that way they walked into Professor Slughorn who clearly needed their attention.

"Albus! I was wondering when I would run into you. You see, I wanted to give a Christmas party but the ball got in the way, so I have rescheduled and there will be a dinner on Wednesday! You, Quinn and Tyler are more than welcome."

Albus, wishing to stay on good terms with the man, nodded. "I'd love to come!"

Both Quinn and Tyler were happy to join too, and agreed to come.

"Those parties are quite fun aren't they?" Said Tyler, but Albus wasn't paying attention.

He noted that at the far end of the table, a chair was filled with someone new. It seemed as though their usual Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Chubbs had made place for a new teacher. It was a man with long thick hair and a huge mustache. Albus thought for a moment it was Igor Karkaroff, but shaked that thought off immediately.

"Good evening, and maybe some of you have noticed it already, but our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Chubbs is not here, for she had some business to do, so I would like to introduce you to Professor Edgar Lachson. He will be your temporary new teacher." Explained the Headmaster.

Albus was eyeing the man when he looked back to him. Then, Albus figured this was Igor Karkaroff, and he decided to tell the headmaster as soon as dinner was over.

Yet, when the dinner was over and Albus went to tell the headmaster this, Professor McGonagall stopped him.

"Mr Potter, I am very disappointed in you. Your previous grade for Transfiguration was a disaster, so I wish to see you this Wednesday for extra lessons." She said, and Albus frowned.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن