Chapter 18: Rose's Idea

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The six didn't answer, so McGonagall repeated the question. "Where have you been?" She asked.

"We-" started Rose, and the rest stammered with her.

"Ah, there you are, I was getting worried!" A different voice said, known as Harry's.

"Dad! We were looking for you too!" Albus said, forgetting McGonagall was even there. "We were at Malfoy Manor to pretend to help them to gather information and then we got the task to defeat you and bring them the Elder Wand so they can defeat us and have a new Dark Lord and they search for the Ressurection Stone to let the old one choose who it's going to be." He said, without stopping to breathe, so he took a deep breath.

"Wait, what?"

"You heard him." Said Scorpius, then added: "But Rose had the best idea ever. One of us defeats you in secret, and then in class you let Ervin or a Slytherin close to the Death Eaters, not me, disarm you or something and then we say to Daver they were first and then when it doesn't work to defeat them they will come back to us and then we let someone defeat the person who initially defeated you and then -"

"Then we let it be someone who is on the verge of dying and then the power dies with them." Rose suddenly added. Everyone looked at her.

"Rose, that's even more genius." Said Scorpius, and Rose blushed.

"Always the tone of surprise." She whispered.

McGonagall, who still stood there, spoke. "Really, kids, this isn't going to work." She stated.

Harry disagreed. "Actually, it's really a great idea, Hermione Junior." He joked, making Rose smile. "It might actually work. But we need to choose who the Slytherin will be."

"Ervin." Chorused the six. McGonagall shook her head.

"No. I will not bring a student in danger."

"But Professor, this is our only chance or we'll have to rehunt for Horcruxes, and that was tiring enough already once." Harry said, looking at her.

"You will never change, will you?" Harry shook his head. "Hm. Perhaps we can think of something. But to put Mr Jones in such danger..."

"He won't be in real danger if his dad is a Death Eater." Harry said.

Just then Fred and James came past them.

"Dad, what's going on?" James asked, and Harry shook his head.

"It's nothing boys, go to where you were going." He said.

Fred turned to Quinn. "Can I talk to you?" He said, and she looked at Harry.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I-err." Started Fred, awkwardly shifting his feet.

"Whatever it is, spit it out." Said Scorpius.

"I'll talk to you later." He said, and he gave her a quick kiss, which made Albus feel very angry and confused.

James and Fred continued walking, so McGonagall spoke again. "I don't like the idea, nor would I want to get Mr Jones in trouble. However, I wanted to talk to you, Miss Rivers. It's about the attack that was in the Daily Prophet yesterday." she said, and Quinn looked at her. "In the village that was attacked, there was a Plane and Design Conference." She said, and Quinn gasped.

"Are they-" she whispered, and Albus knew what it was about. Quinn's parents were busy with planes often, and they would be in many conferences. They probably were in danger.

"No, they're not dead. You parents are in St Mungo's." she said. Quinn ran her hand through her hair, and looked at her hands.

Albus swore he saw a tear run over her cheek, so he placed his arms around her. He could feel her body shaking, and whispered: "Let it out." She heard it, and started to really cry.

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now