Chapter Fourteen

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   I sighed and stretched my smooth, tanned legs across Gabriel’s lap, reaching for a handful of popcorn and munching on it hungrily. The room was dark apart from the light coming from the television screen, projecting images across our faces. 

   “Favourite horror movie?” I asked. 

   “Scream,” he said decisively, “the first one, the others were shit.” 

   “They’re not scary!” I argued. 

   “It’s a classic!” He persisted, “What about you then, what’s your favourite?” 

   “Definitely The Haunting in Connecticut, that is so fucking scary,” I answered, watching the TV and wincing as the axe murderer popped up on the screen, causing the airhead blonde to let out a bloodcurdling scream. 

   “I haven’t seen that one, I bet I wouldn’t find it scary.” 

   “Bet you will.” 

   “Bet I won’t,” he pushed my legs off his lap and stood up, stretching out his torso and arms over his head. “I’m going to go get changed into my pajamas, I’ll be back in a second,” he grinned before starting up the stairs, his weight causing the wooden steps to creak. 

   The film ended and the credits began to roll, a sinister song playing quietly in the background. I listened out for any sign of Gabriel coming back downstairs and lent over the back of the sofa curiously, frowning, peering towards the stairs, waiting for his figure to appear. 

   “Gabriel?” I called out, but there was no response. I sighed and turned back to the TV screen, shrugging, supposing that he was just using the bathroom and had the door shut. 

   Suddenly, someone gripped their hands over my shoulders and stuck their face round one side of my head, the white ghost face making me scream and scramble backwards. Gabriel began to laugh and took the Scream mask off, leaving it on the arm of the couch and leaning against the back, kissing my head apologetically. 

   “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he confessed. 

   “Where did you find that? I’d forgotten I even had it,” I wondered. 

   “It was stuffed under your bed,” Gabriel explained, “I remember wearing it with you one Halloween.” 

   “Yeah, I remember that too,” I laughed, nodding. “I thought you were going to get changed?” 

   “I seem to have left my clothes at my house,” Gabes grimaced and I rolled my eyes making him chuckle. “I’ll run home and get them, it will only take five minutes, is that alright?” 

   “That’s fine,” I assured him. 

   “Are you sure? You’ll be okay on your own?” He glanced at his watch, it was nearly eleven o’clock. 

   “I’ll be fine, I’m a grown up, Gabriel.” 

   “I’m not so sure about that,” he admitted. He pulled on his pair of old, scuffed, sneakers and started towards the front door. He turned back briefly, looking at me with a little uncertainty. 

   “Gabes, I’ll be fine,” I sighed, plastering a fake grin on my face, not wanting to show to him how terrified I was of being in the house on my own. It was ridiculous, and he wouldn’t be long, I knew this, yet I still felt unsafe, I still felt vulnerable all alone in the suburbs. 

   “Okay, I’ll only be a few minutes,” he smiled, blowing me a kiss and closing the door after him. 

   The house was so quiet, and dark, and the film ended, causing the TV screen to start buzzing with static. I started thinking about the texts and how seriously I should take Harry’s threats. I hadn’t shown Gabriel and I was starting to think this was a mistake, I didn’t want him to worry about me because I was old enough to deal with it myself. This is what I told myself. 

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