Episode 10: reunion from hell part 1

Start from the beginning

Amy was sitting on a chair in the kitchen. Trying to think. She didn't even hear her mother walk into the kitchen. Her thoughts were so far away. She tried to organize her thoughts.

"Amy, i think i saw Ricky's car?"

Amy didn't react. She was so lost in her thoughts. "Amy?" Anne asked. Anne squeezed Amy's shoulder, trying to get her out of the trance she was in.
"What, Mom?" Amy looked confused. "How long are you standing here?" Anne sat down. "Long enough to know that there's something wrong." Amy looked down. She didn't speak. And when she was about to say something the door opened. It was Ricky.

"Ricky. Your here." Anne said. "I guess i'll be going upstairs to see about John and Robie." Anne smiled and walked away.
Ricky came inside. "So?" He asked. "Are we going?"
Amy finally looked at him.
"Well, you look nice." She said sincere.

Ricky was wearing a suit, Amy never saw him in a suit before.
"Thanks." Ricky said. "You look beautiful too!" Ricky meant what he said. Despite his on and off hatred he has for Amy.
Amy stood up, she and Ricky were about to leave. "Oh." Amy said. "I'm not wearing a wedding band!"
"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. I still have my mother's wedding bands. I have them right here." He reached for his pocket and took a little box out of it. 2 weddingbands were in the box. Right before Amy left to go to college in New York, she gave Ricky the wedding band he once gave her, and her engagement ring back.
Ricky took one of the rings and gave it to Amy, she put it on her ringfinger. Ricky put the other ring on his ringfinger.

"Okay than." Ricky said. "We're ready to go."

Amy felt insecure. She was sitting in the car with her ex. "Could it get any worse?" She thought. Ricky was driving the car and Amy sat next to him.
She was looking out of window, when Ricky looked at her.
"Are you okay?" He asked, wondering where Amy's thoughts were.
Amy slowly looked at him, Ricky was looking at the road again, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Yes." Amy said, not convincing.
"You know, that i know that i don't believe that!" He said. "It doesn't mean that we're separated and in a complicated situation that i don't care about you and how you feel!"

"If you think this is complicated than you don't know the complicated part yet." Amy thought.
"No, i'm fine. It's just... So overwhelming." She said.
"Overwhelming?" Ricky asked. "What's so overwhelming about going to a reunion?" He laughed, trying to make Amy feel better.
"I don't know!" She said. "facing everyone?"
Ricky seemed to be confused about Amy's sudden insecurity.
"You don't need to worry!" He said.

They could see their old high school at a distance. Amy suddenly felt nauseous. She sighed, trying to stay calm.


They both got out of the car and entered the school's entrance.
When they walked into the school, Ms. O'Mally was standing in the hallway, sharing tickets with everyone that entered. There was a long line of ex-students waiting to get a ticket. It almost looked like they were going to a show or something. Amy felt scared to see everyone back. She didn't know if people knew she and Ricky didn't get married? Ricky, on the other hand didn't care.

"Hello Amy and Ricky." Ms. O'Mally said when it was Amy's and Ricky's turn in the line.
"Hey Ms. O'Mally." Amy said.
"So how are you? How was the wedding?" She asked excited.
Amy didn't know what to answer and how to lie, it felt like she couldn't speak anymore.
"The wedding was great." Ricky said, after he saw Amy starting to panic.

Ms. O'Mally noticed they didn't want to talk about their wedding so she gave them a ticket. The ticket was their entrance ticket. They had to go to the gymnasium for the reunion.
The gymnasium got turned into a ballroom.

When they got in the gymnasium so many old memories came back.

"Can't believe we're here again!" Ricky said, not excited.
"Yeah, me neither." Amy said ill-disposed.

There were balloons everywhere and so many students. There was music, food, drinks. And a huge banner entitled 'Grant High School 100th anniversary. Reunion 2010 - 2013.'

"So that was the reason why there was a reunion. Because the school turned 100". Amy thought.

Amy and Ricky were sitting around a table. Amy was silently looking down and eating a piece of pie. Ricky was looking at the dancing students.

The awkward silence between Amy and Ricky continued. They both didn't know what to talk about. Ricky looked at Amy. She was sitting there, eating her pie like it was her property.
"It seems like your hungry!" Ricky said, trying to have a conversation.
Amy nodded. "Yeah, i uhm... I am hungry, i guess..." She said uncertain.
Ricky frowned. "You guess? That's your third pie!" He said.
Amy smiled. "I know. I'm just so bored, so i'm eating." She looked back at her pie, she didn't feel like talking to Ricky.

Amy heard her name being called by a familiar voice. She looked behind her and her two best friends Madison and Lauren were standing there excited to see Amy back. "Madison? Lauren!" Amy shouted excited. Amy stood up and hugged her two friends she hadn't seen in a couple of months. "Hi, Ricky?" Lauren said.
Ricky nodded, and made a friendly gesture.

"Can we steal your wife?" Madison asked.
"Sure." Ricky said, not knowing what to say.
Madison, Lauren and Amy walked to the other side of the gymnasium.
"I need to know everything! Tell me everything! How was the wedding? Tell me, tell me!" Madison asked excited while she jumped.
Amy looked around, she bit her lip and didn't know if she should tell her two best friends the truth or lie to them.

"I'll tell you girls later, when we're alone." She said, not feeling very comfortable.
Lauren thought for a moment, and got an idea.
"We can go to the girls restroom?" She suggested.
Amy thought about it. Still not sure if she wanted to tell them the truth. But then she nodded. "Okay, let's go."

Ricky was sitting by himself. 'Great.' He thought. 'My fake wife left me again...'

"Well, well, well. Look who's here?"
Ricky turned around and saw Ben standing now in front of him.
"Ben." He said, not wanting to talk to him.
Ben sat down and had a strange look in his eyes.

"Amy will never go back to you!" Was the first thing Ricky said.
Ben laughed. "Like she would go back to you?" He said, being sarcastic.
"If i wanted to, i could get her back!" Ricky said, with certainty in his voice.
Ben laughed. "Yeah right?!" He said.

"Oh, right... Ben." Ricky said. "There's something you should know. When Amy first came back from New York, i had sex with her."
Ricky stood up, and walked away.

Ben sat there, shocked and tongue-tied. 'What... just happened?' He thought.

After the words sank in, and after it became clear, he felt hurt. He felt betrayed by the woman he loved, after all this time, chasing her and trying to be a gentleman to her, she was still sleeping with Ricky.

Ricky was walking through the gymnasium trying to find Amy, when he saw Adrian and Omar.
"O, my God!" Adrian shouted. "Ricky?" She ran to Ricky and hugged him tightly. "Hi, Adrian." He said. "Hi, Omar."
Omar nodded.
"I'm sorry about you and Amy!" Adrian said.
"You know?" Ricky asked.
Adrian nodded. "Yes. Amy's dad knew, so he told Kathleen, Kathleen told Grace and Grace told me."
Ricky looked irritated. "So, basically everyone knows?" He asked.
"No, i don't think so. Madison and Lauren don't know. I've seen them today and they were so excited to talk to Amy about the wedding. But they better don't know, or else everyone knows." Adrian said nodding.
"Actually." Ricky said.
"They already came and they wanted to talk to Amy, so i guess they know by now."

Adrian looked down, and then she looked back at Ricky. "I think they went to the ladies restroom, i saw them in the hallway so i guess their there."

"Then i guess i'm going to find my beloved wife." Ricky said, in a sarcastic tone.

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