I start to push and it's very painful. It feels like she doesn't move at all.

"Your going to have to push harder Mrs. Pitt." The doctor says.

"You can do it baby!" Brad whispers in my ear.

I push again with all of my strength. She moves this time. "One more push! We can see the head." The doctor says. "I can't!" I cry. "I hurts really bad and I don't have any energy!" I cry

I lay back. It really hurts and I can't push. I wait for my next contraction.

"Aright push!" The doctor says. I use the rest of my energy and push as hard as I can. And before I knew it cries fill the room.

"Congrats on your new baby girl!" The doctor says. Brad cuts the chord and they place Arianna on my chest. Brad is in tears and so am I.

I completely forget about the pain I am only focused on my baby.

"She's beautiful!" Brad says. "I agree." I say as I hug Brad.

"Do we have a name?" The doctor asks. I look at Brad and he nods. "Arianna Elizabeth Pitt." I say. "That's a beautiful name." The doctor says. We thank her and stare at our newborn.
*end of flash back*

"And when she said her first words" I say smiling at the memory.

*flash back to Arianna's fist word*

"Come on Ari! Say mama!" I say. "Can you say dada?"I ask. I get no response. I turn to Brad. "This isn't working.!.!" I say. "I have an idea." Brad says.

He walks upstairs and comes back down with Ari's favorite stuffed Animal.

"Now Ari, say mama and dada!" Brad says holding the stuffed animal in front of her. "Your going to bribe her?" I ask. "Yup!" Brad says. "Like that's gonna work!" I laugh.

We sit like this for awhile and Brad is still trying. I get bored so I go in the kitchen and get some water. I doubt it's gonna happen so I'm about to sit on the couch when I hear Ari. "Mama, Dada." She says. I run over to her. "Did she just say mama and Dada?" I ask Brad. "Yes she did." He says.

"Good Job baby!"I say as I pick her up. Brad gives her her stuffed animal.

"I told you it would work!" Brad says. "Yeah I can't fight with that." I laugh. "But I can't believe that it worked." I say.
*end of flashback*

"And then number 2 came along 3 years later and changed our life even more." I say. "And Ari's face when she met him was great." Brad adds.

*flashback to the day when Lucas was born*

There's a knock at the door. "Come in." I say as I hold baby Lucas in my arms. "Alright Ari are you ready to see your baby brother?" Sherry asks as her and my dad walk into my room. "Yeah!" She says really excited.

"Hi princess!" Brad says as he hugs Ari. "Hi daddy! Where baby?" She asks. Brad turns her around so she can see me. "Baby!" She yells.

Brad places her on my bed and she crawls up. "What name?" She asks. "His name is Lucas." I say. "She leans down and kisses him.

"I hold?" She asks as she points to him. "Yeah." I say. I put Lucas on her lap and she smiles. "You're a big sister now!" Dad says. "Yeah! I gonna help!" She says. We all smile and take pictures of our new family.

*end of flashback*

"And Ari was so proud of him when he took his fist steps." Brad says. I smile at that because I remember that day clearly. And it made me feel so lucky to have them.

*flashback to Lucas's first steps.*
Brad is helping Lucas stand up. Im sitting on the other side of the room with Ari. "Okay are you ready?" Brad asks. I nod and he lets go of Lucas so he can try to walk to me for the 4th time. Each time so far her has fallen but I feel like this time is it.

"Come on Lucas! Come to Mommy and sissy!" I encourage Lucas. Ari is also cheering him on with me.

He walks all the way over to me and once he gets there, he holds on to me.

"Good Job baby! I say as I hold him up. Brad runs over and hugs him with me. "Yay Lucas!" Ari yells. She has a huge smile on the face. And she jumps up and hugs him as well.

*end of flashback*

"Then 9 years later we had three" I say. She may not have been planned but she completed our family.

*flashback to when Bri was born*

"You are going to have to have a C section." That doctor says. "What?" I ask. "But that wasn't the plan." I say. "Yes we know that Mrs. Pitt, but the c section will be safer. The chord is wrapped around her neck. Its only wrapped around one time but it will be better. I try to calm down a little. I want my baby to be safe so I'm doing the c section.

I go in for my c section and lay on the table. They put a mask on my face that is pumps gas. And soon after they start.

I feel pressure and it hurts. But the gas helps. Brad sits next to me and holds my hand. "She's almost here!" Brad says. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

Then I hear crying. I smile and start to cry. I look over at Brad who is crying too. They hold Bri over the curtain so we can see her. Brad cuts the chord. They wash her off and wrap her in a blanket. Brad holds her and I watch her.

I go through recovery and then they bring me back to my room.

I get to hold Bri for the fist time and I start to cry again.

The nurse comes and asks for her name. "Sabrina Rachel Pitt." I say. "That's a great name." She says. We thank her and spend time with our newborn until family shows up.

Jane and William bring Arianna and Lucas. "Mom! Dad" Lucas yells. He runs over to us and gives us a big hug. "Guys this is Sabrina, your new sister." Lucas comes and sits next to me. "Hi Sabrina!" Lucas says. I let him hold her and they bond right away.

I look over and see Ari sitting down and on her phone.

"Aren't you gonna say hello to us?" Brad asks Ari. "Hi mom, hi dad." She says and gets right back on her phone. "Do you care that you have a new baby sister?"Brad asks. Ari doesn't answer and walks out of the room. Jane runs after her but Ari never comes back in.

*end of flashback*

I end up crying my eyes out after thinking of all of these memories. "Why are you crying?" Brad asks. "I miss them being babies!" I say. "I miss it too but you have to let them grow up." Brad says. "I know. But Arianna is also making me feel like the worst mom ever for having Sabrina." I cry. "Hey! you make the perfect mom." Brad says. "Thanks. And you make the perfect dad!" I say drying my tears. He hugs me then kisses me passionately. "I love you!" Brad says. "I love you too!" I say.

We get interrupted by Sabrina crying. I start to get up, but Brad stops me. "I'll get her." He says as he goes upstairs. "Thank you!" I say. "Anything for you!" He says.
We pick up both of the kids from school and drive home. "How was your first day?" I ask both of them. "Great!" They both say. "How was your day" Ari asks. "Great just like yours." I smile and think about the memories.

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