Chapter One

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Hello everyone! This is my second book. It's much different from my first "Samuel". This is a story set in science fiction/ fantasy and is much lighter than Samuel. Thanks for your support and patience while I complete this epic story.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and so on without prior permission of the author. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling this novel constitutes as an infringement of copyright, which is punishable by law.

"A human being is a part of the whole called by the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

-- Albert Einstein

Chapter One

Walking down the cobblestone pathway towards her vehicle, her steps making slight clapping noises as her high heels clattering against the path reverberated against the walls of the adjacent buildings. Hurrying along, today holding great importance for her, the precious day of her interview for a new position in a hospital.

Unfortunately, times were tough for her. Having to eat, at both, her savings and 401k, she saw the money dwindle down to nothing. Due to the recent financial hardship, now unable to provide herself some sustenance, her body slimmed greatly.

Being weeks since she had a hearty meal, days since she has eaten a full meal, this woman moved through the days without direction, without energy. Having to scrimp, long past were the days she could utilize her credit card to purchase a meal or groceries. This interview became instrumental to her future, her life.

Rumbling from a bag of crackers she found in the pantry, she drove to the Medical University of South Carolina. Waiting became terrifying for her. Her thoughts racing, her lifelines exhausted. Unfortunately, with no one to count on, her two sons having a life of their own, she dared not ask them for money. Her friends, as well as many in the present political climate, did not have additional resources to share.

"Isabella Herrera?" A woman in a solid blue dress called.

Around 5'1", her makeup heavy caked on her face. Dark drawn on eyebrows established an appearance of surprise as Isabella suppressed a chuckle passing her eyes over her. The severity of this interaction returning to her, this woman held her future in her hands.

Standing, waving her hand in the air to get this woman's attention, Isabella walked towards her. At 5'7", an average height for the region, before her money woes, she was mildly overweight. Currently, her skin held tightly around her shrinking frame. With no revenue to support her, the clothing from her previous physique loosely hung from her.

With an angular face, Isabella looks elicited pleasant gazes from both genders. Currently, she appeared slightly older as repetitive malnourishment quickened her aging process.

"Welcome to MUSC" The acronym for the hospital. "My name is Terri. I trust you didn't have too much difficulty finding this location?"

"N-not at all." Isabella stammered, aware of her own nervousness. Pausing and taking two deep breaths, she continued with the interview.

"Your resume is impressive. I see you have a lengthy experience as an x-ray technician. However, you did not apply for that position. Why is that?" Terri asked looking up at Isabella.

"I had difficulty finding a job and my license lapsed. I was unable to pay the fees."

"I see. Perhaps we can help change that." Terri smiled. "Of course, we would have to have you work as a CNA until that was accomplished."

Isabella's eyes widened, unsure if she heard correctly.

"I'll take your silence as acceptance. This interview was just a formality. With your work experience and your references, we just had to have you." Standing and holding put her hand Terri said smiling, "Welcome to your new family."

Isabella was numb, not knowing if this was a pleasant dream. After signing multiple documents, she was lead out to the lobby of the hospital. Fighting the urge to sprint home excitedly, her stomach somersaulted as her mind reviewed what transpired.

Fortunately, for her, her pay came weekly. With this, a decent meal would come. The pains her abdomen spewing forth finally could be satiated. Another night with a light stomach too painful, to live with, soon, she would not need to worry. With Isabella's orientation starting the following day, she decided she needed her rest.

A brief thought passed her mind. "Should I call them and share?" Isabella thought about her sons.

After many moments, the idea passed as smoke in the breeze, only illuminating the turmoil with her present situation. Isabella would remain quiet, so her children did not worry about her.

At three in the afternoon, she arrived home. With her stomach ripping inside her, the hunger pains nearly toppled Isabella. Rummaging through the cabinets, finding a single packet of ramen noodles. Excitedly, she quickly cooked the contents before devouring them greedily.

The liquid scolding her throat, wincing as placing the bowl down into the sink, fighting the urge to lap up the remaining liquid. Gathering the liquid in a cup before placing it in the refrigerator, Isabella decided to use this as breakfast.

With her hunger slightly satiated, she showered then crawled into bed. Sleep came quickly to her. Although her throat throbbed, she fell instantly into sleep.

Once sleep took hold over her. She saw a yellow face, rubbing red liquid on itself. The sight, ghastly, as crimson fluid slid down its cheeks, the color of blood, caused Isabella to shift uncomfortably in her sleep. Humanoid, the head appeared oval, without ears, just two small holes, the skin on this creature contained ridges, scale-like appendages.

Looking down at its reflection in the red fluid before their eyes met. Its irises, black as coal, throbbed like a heartbeat. Steadily pulsating, enlarging and deflating rhythmically, its sentience flowed through the two of them, feeling familiar, yet distant, safe, yet savage, Isabella watched curiously. Screeching shrilly, a soft reverberation before evaporating to an image of a yellow school bus, Isabella's dream shifted to a memory of her younger years in elementary school.

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