Bonding with the scary original!

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I pulled on a black tank. The kind that you are able to put like three fingers on the strap. You know I don't get why we have to wear that to school, but can't wear a regular spaghetti strap! I mean we have the right to wear whatever we want! Stupid schools. Whatever. I found a dark denim jacket that had like cool slits on the wrist sleeve place. I dug and was about to wear a pair of skinnies but found something interesting. Leather pants. I stared at it before deciding I want to wear it. It looked cool. Who could resist? I put on a leather bracelet and a chain necklace. I put on a pair of sandals, and quickly ran the brush through my hair and voila, I'm done! I skipped out and met Rebekah and laughed a little.

"What?" She demanded.

"We're totally opposites!" It was true in a way. She had a white tanktop with lace at the top that scrunched up a little to show off a little bit of her stomach. Her jacket was like mine but whitish. Her jeans were denim ad white. Looks like she is trying to appear innocent while I am trying to send out a danger vibe. She had leather boots on, so that has to count for something doesn't it? And she did nothing to her hair either and no make up. She gave me a small smile and opened the door.

"Bye Nik!" She yelled over her shoulder.

"See ya later Mr. Hybrid!" I said snickering.

"Oh just get out" He muttered. I smiled victoriously and got into Bekah's car.

"Are you trying to get hurt again?" She asked, smirking. I smiled coyly.

"Maybe, maybe not." I said sing songily.

"Has anyone told you how strange you are?" I nodded seriously.

"Your brother told me multiple times as does everyone else. I'm surprised you just now said it." She shook her head and started down the driveway.

"What? It's true. I just don't get why everyone must point it out. I know I am weird but does everyone must say the obvious? I mean seriously, I know! It's old news." I rambled as we pulled off. She killed the engine and turned towards me.

"You are going to make my ears bleed." She complained. I gave her a apologetic shrug and opened the door.

"Coming?" I asked, smiling. She rolled her eyes and hopped out.

"Coming?" She mocked me, rolling her eyes.

"Hey!" I cried following her as she started walking away from me. I caught up and hooked arms. She glanced down surprised.

"What if your friends see?" She asked, sneering the word friends. I shrugged.

"Who cares? I like you and that all that matters. They need to accept that and if not then they are not my friends." She looked at me, a little in shock.

"Seriously? You would do that just cause they don't like me?" She asked slowly. I gave her a crooked smile.

"Of course. You're my sister." I nudged her shoulder, laughing a little. She gave me a weird look but opened the door.

"Why thank you." I said curtsying at her. She laughed and headed to the bar.

"Gin and tonic." She ordered and looked at me.

"Vodka." I decided tilting my head. They both nodded approvingly and I sat down. He didn't even ask for my I.D. Sweet. So got our drinks, chit chatted, flirted with the bar tenders, blah blah blah. And right on track the Scooby gang walked in.  Can't go a day without seeing them. They stopped and stared. We smirked and waved at them. I even blew them a kiss! Ain't I sweet? They went to a table on the opposite side of the bar and started whispering. I rolled my eyes.

"We are popular aren't we?" I asked her. She nodded and got up. Curious I followed.

"Hello everyone." She greeted with her 'B*tch please' look. Ah, I love that look. People get instantly intimidated. Well normal people that is.

"What do you want Rebekah?" Elena demanded. She mocked huffed.

"I just got back and no one will say hello? People are really rude." She complained. I pouted along with her.

"Where are your manners?" I scolded.

"Tara. Why are with her?" Stefan questioned. I smiled and tossed my arm around her.

"Haven't you heard? We're soul sisters!" I said brightly.

"Seriously? Guys she is being compelled." Elena said in a know-it-all voice. I rolled my eyes and cut my arm.

"Smell any vervain?" I asked not noticing the vampires weird looks. They slowly shook their head.

"Do I have anything with vervain Stefan?" I asked tiredly knowing he knows of my allergy. He shook his head 'no' again.

"Great. Rebekah will you do the honors?" She nodded and faced me.

"Drain Elena dry." She compelled me. I watched her eyes dilate with interest. Am I the only one who finds that fact cool? No? Okay, that makes me feel normal. Thanks. I smirked and looked to the table where everyone was shielding Elena. She looked at me with actual fear in her eyes. I shook my head sadly.

"Rebekah. Please don't tempt me. And anyways I don't know where her blood has been. Grossness." I scolded Rebekah with a broad smirk on my face.


Hi guys. I'm blowing off my algebra homework for you guys again. But if my mom asks I am totally doing it ;). I also have two questions. So please answer them if you will.

Question 1) Why do a lot of people think Jeremy is gay? I keep reading fanfictions and a lot of them pair him up with dudes. Not like I have any thing against it but I see a lot of Kol/Jeremy fics (oh god why?!) So I am just wondering.....

Question 2) I am wondering if I should put up another story. I've been writing a story and I think it sounds really good. It's a Klaus/Bella one (twilight+ Tvd) And it's mostly when the gang comes into Forks and Bella is there. But they know her?!?! Yeah It's mostly that but again I think it sounds really good.

Klaus: It's not. Trust me


Klaus: You just did *smirks*

Me: Grrr. If you haven't seen the last episode of VD sorry but I am gonna spill. KLAUS GOT HAYLEY FRIGGING PREGNANT AND THEN WANTED TO KILL HIM/HER!!! WHAT THE FREAKING HELL!!!!! GAWD!!!

Klaus: How could I'd known?!?!

Me: No...Just no.

Klaus: Freak. Anyways VOTE, COMMENT, ADD, SHARE, FOLLOW.

Me: Anyone has a white oak stake? Anyone at all?

Not a CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora