Chapter Ten

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I know there's nothing I could possibly say that will speak for my actions. The day Monica flipped out and asked me why I did it I looked in her eyes and had no answer for her. I broke her heart and I wish I could take it all back but I can't. I miss her and being able to come home.

I've been messing around for 6 or 7 months now. I didn't mean for things to go this far between me and Adrianna but some things are just so tempting it's hard to resist and when a man sees someone like Adrianna... It's just hard. The day I met her I was at a bar with the guys and she was the bartender. She didn't seem to be interested in flirting with anybody, in fact, she seemed like she was ready to go home.

"Yo German, if I make this in the trash you have to take three more shots" Kasey yelled over the music. "Nah man that's not even a fair bet, and Monica wouldn't be too happy about me coming home drunk." I waved him off checking my phone. I noticed a missed call from Monica. "Monica this, Monica that... that woman got you wrapped around her finger."

"She's my wife. I'm supposed to be wrapped around her finger fool but I'll be back." I stood up and made my way to the bathroom where I knew it'd be more quiet.

"Hello? Hey baby, I'm sorry I missed your call. Everything okay?" I heard her soft voice.

"I'm fine, Kasey is drunk so I'll probably have to drive him home first before I come home tonight."

"That's typical of him but okay. Dinner is in the microwave. I love you."

"I love you too, bye."

I hung up the phone and made my way out of the bathroom and some girl ran smack into my chest. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! Let me go get you a towel."  My shirt was drenched in alcohol then I realized that the girl was our bartender. "It's fine, I'm going home anyways."

"Are you sure? Please don't tell my boss I cannot afford to lose this job." She seemed like she was stressed. "I won't tell if you won't." I smiled walking toward Kasey and Derek. "We saw you over there trying to sweet talk the bartender."

"Kasey shut up, you're drunk. She bumped into me and spilled her drink on my shirt."  It was clearly time for his ass to go home. "Come on man, don't act like you don't want some different pussy from time to time." I ignored him and helped him up so we could get to my car. "Derek you cool to drive?"

"I'm high, not drunk. I'm cool b." He laughed and stood up grabbing his keys off the counter. We made our way toward our cars and I realized I left my keys behind. "Yo I left my keys I'll be right back."

I went back up to the door and it was locked. "We're closing sir." One of the girls that worked there mouthed through the glass. "I left my car keys in there."

"Are these yours?"  The same girl from earlier came from the side door and handed me my keys. "Thanks, I guess this makes up for the shirt." She smiled and nodded her head. "No problem um..." She paused as if she wanted me to finish her sentence. "G." I extended my hand for her to shake.

"Your name is one letter?"

"No, I'm sorry my name is German." I laughed. "That's different, I'm Adrianna. Nice to me you German."

"Pleasure's all mine." 

"Is your friend over there gonna be okay?"

"Yeah he's fine but I got to go, thanks again." I smiled and turned to walk away. "Wait!" She called out causing me to rotate. "'s my number... call me sometime." She slipped a piece of paper in my pocket and walked off toward her car with extra sway in her hips.

After I dropped Kasey off I drove home. Before I went inside I sat in the driveway for a second and pulled the number out of my pocket. I argued with myself about calling it and I finally dialed it. I wasn't sure what possessed me to call but I did. I was going to hang up but before I had a chance she had already answered. I pressed speaker and sat the phone on the dashboard. I was hesitant to say anything but again, something possessed me to do it anyway.


"Yes? Who's this?"


"Oh, hey I didn't think you'd call so soon."

"Me neither." I mumbled to myself.


"Nothing, never mind."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Tonight? Nothing I was about to go home."

"Or you could come see me, you seem smart maybe you could help me study."

"Maybe I could."

"I'll text you my address."



I hung up the phone an threw it back on the the passenger seat. "What the fuck are you doing G?" I whispered to myself. I sat there thinking about what I was going to do and then I kept thinking about what Kasey was saying at the bar.

I started my car pulled back out of the driveway. I typed the address in my GPS and followed directions all the way to her condo. The whole time I couldn't think about anybody but Monica and I really was having a hard time trying to figure out why I was doing this.

I knocked on her door and she answered in shorts and a sports bra. My eyes were focused on her body and she really didn't seem to mind. "You can have a seat over there." She pointed toward her couch and I did as told. "So what we studying?" I chuckled to myself watching her walk toward me.

"...Sex Ed."

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