Chapter Two

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"Goodmorning Stacey." I smiled at my assistant who handed me my favorite coffee. "Goodmorning Mrs. Thomas, I have all your files on your desk just like you asked. You have a meeting with Roscos Catering at 12:40, another with XG at 1:30, and you're husband called 10 minutes ago."

"Thank you Stace, I don't know what I would do without you sweetheart." I sighed and smiled before returning to the piles of paper on my desk. "Of course, it's no problem. Oh and remember your birthday is in 2 more days."

"Thanks, you never let me forget." She flashed one last smile and left my office.

I'm a very busy and successful woman, sometimes I forget my own birthday and other important dates. Stacey gets me out of so much trouble, I don't understand how she does it but I'm definitely grateful for it.

I picked up my office phone and dialed my husband's number.


"Hey baby, I just got in the office. Stace told me you called. What's up?"

"I was just letting you know I'd be coming home maybe an hour late tonight if that's okay with you?"



"Why exactly will you be coming home late?"

"The fellas want me to go out for a drink after work, but I told them only if it's okay with you."

"Of course, just don't drink too much. I don't want you drunk and driving."

"Okay, thanks beautiful."

"I love you."

"I love you too, bye baby."

I smiled to myself one more time before getting my work done and gathering myself for my meetings. This should be an easy day.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Thomas." A few of my coworkers called out to me as I walked throughout the building. "Goodmorning everyone." Slightly waving, I made my way into the big glass double doors.

"Hello, how are you?" I greeted everyone in the room where our meeting would be held.

"Ah there you are Mrs. Thomas. Now that everyone is here we can get this show on the road!" My boss shimmied his shoulders and hit the lights to display his charts.

My boss was a pretty cool understanding guy. Sometimes we'd hang out, outside of work, me, him, and his boyfriend. His boyfriend is amazing too and they have great taste in designers.

My husband on the other hand, not so hot. He's a sweatpants or basketball shorts kind of guy. He's a busy man as well and works for the Central Intelligence Agency. Therefore he's suppose to discontinue any conversation about his job so I don't even ask. Overall he's a great husband and father to my daughter.

My Daughter, Aubree Maritza Taurez has grown to be beautiful and smart. I couldn't be more proud of her. Today was her first day of first grade and I'm still stuck that she's even 6 years old. She's growing up so fast and I'm glad to call her my baby.

"Don't forget about me." My boss smiled at me before dismissing the second meeting of the day. His words pierced my ears but I shook the feeling away.

It was now reaching 2:00 and it was time to pick up Aubree from school. "Bye Monica, see you Saturday!" My boss called out to me. "See you then!" My voiced echoed to him as the elevator door shut.

Aubree's school wasn't far from my job so I made it just on time. "Mommy! Mommy!" Aubree shouted as she came running up to me. "Hey baby, how was your first day?"

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