Chapter Three

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"Go! Run baby! Don't forget about me!" I yelled as loud as I could trying not to choke on my own blood. I was shot, once in the leg, my chest, and my stomach. I fell to the ground being tackled by police officers. The commotion buzzed throughout my ears and within seconds, I blacked out.

"Mr. Richards?" A female's voiced called to me as soon as my eyelids began to open. I looked around the room and immediately felt pain in my entire body. "Easy. Mr. Richards you're in the hospital, you were shot. After you're nursed back to health you will be transferred to New York's State Correctional Facility. There are officers throughout the building and outside your door, okay?"

"What you tryin' say I'm gon' run or something?" I retorted getting aggravated. How am I gon' do something with bullet wounds all over my body? Dumb shit. "No sir, I was just informing you so there wouldn't be any confusion."

"Yeah whatever, I'm the biggest felon in the country right now and you sayin' you told me there's cop surrounding the building because you don't want me to be confused? You don't make any sense." I shook my head at her foolishness. "I'm sorry Mr. Richards, is there anything I can-"

"You can get out." I cut her off and she walked out of the room. I sat alone thinking about Karina. I just wanted to know if she was okay. If she made it. Is she following my instructions? Will I see her again? Will she forget about me?

Right in the middle of my time alone, I heard a knock on the door before a man entered. I noticed his badge and instantly hated him. "Mr. Lexis Richards, how we doing today?" He asked, calling out my full name. "Not in the mood to talk I see..." He spoke again after I mugged him.

"I don't talk to pigs." I shook my head turning my attention back toward to the small hospital tv screen. "Well your little girlfriend got away, I bet that makes you real happy huh? You know, you're going down big time. You ain't gon' see her again boy-"

"Don't call me no boy, I'm a grown ass man. Why don't you go beat your meat somewhere cause you don't seem like the type that actually gets human pussy, you fuckin' scum." I spat so many hateful words with so much venom it was almost life threatening.

"Are you threatening an employee of the state Lexis?" I shook my head at his dumb sarcasm. "If I was, you wouldn't have asked me. Are you disrespecting your fellow citizen by inappropriately acknowledging me?" He waved me off standing from his chair. "You're useless, we' re not gonna get any information on her from you."

"You damn right. Beat it."

"Richards, you got a visitor!" One of the guards shouted clear as day snapping me out of my daydream. I looked up in confusion but realized it could have been Karina. "Yo wassup with that?" My cell mate asked, knowing I don't get visitors. "I don't know who this about to be." I sighed walking out of my cell after the guard cuffed me and put shackles around my ankles.

"Number 7." The guard pointed to a table and there was a woman looking as if she were nervous. I sat in the chair and remained silent waiting for her to speak. "Okay Lexis-"

"Don't call me that. My name is Jynx. What do you want?"

"I'm your lawyer's daughter, She sent me to discuss some things with you because she's been ill. I'm sure this is inappropriate but being as though you're her friend as well, she wanted you to know."

"Alright, what is it?"

"Well apparently my mom has made a few calls, looked at a few records, and she was able to shorten your sentence on behalf of your behavior."

"How short? I got 3 more years in here."

"Well she was able to negotiate dropping the 3 years with 3 months of house arrest and 6 months of probation."

"So if these 3 years are dropped that mean I'm getting out any day now?"

"Yeah as a matter of fact, you get out tomorrow."

"Are you serious?" A smile grew on my face from ear to ear and and all I could think about was how my prayers were answered. "Yeah, have a nice day Jynx." She nodded her head getting up to leave. "Thank you, you too."

"Richards, let go." The same guard spoke gesturing toward the hallway leading to my cell. "So who was it?" Poco asked when I got back to our cell. "It was my lawyer, I'm getting out tomorrow apparently."

"For reals? Man that's what happening! Keep in touch wit' ya boy."

"I gotchu' man." I said smiling to myself with my hands resting behind my head. I can't wait to get out of here. Being able to smell fresh air, those were the days. I don't know where I'm gonna go when I get out of here. Karina still lives in my emergency house and I'm sure she has a family so I don't want to interfere with her new identity.

I closed my eyes thinking about all the things I'm going to do when I get out. Eventually I started to fall asleep.

"Inmate Richards! Let's go, they're releasing you." The guard yelled my name as I slowly woke up to the next morning.

I gathered all of my stuff, which wasn't much, and followed behind the female guard. I couldn't help but observe her womanly figure, it didn't even matter what she looked like. Prison does that to a man.

"Sign here, and here." She handed me the paper and I signed my name on the line. "Here's your clothes." I got handed the clothes I got arrested in... great.

"Can I make a phone call?" I asked with a small smirk and she immediately blushed. "Sure."

"Thank you lady cop." I winked at her before turning toward the phone.

"Hello?" Some dude answered.

"Yeah, is Kar- is Monica home?" I corrected myself.

"Monica! The phone!"

"Hello?" Her voice was so soft just like I remember, I could almost feel my heart melt.



"Yeah, it's me."

"How are you? Why didn't you tell me you were alive? I just got your letter yesterday." I could hear so much worry in her voice it kind of made me laugh.

"I'm fine baby girl, I told you why in the letter but I need some help if you can. I'll understand if you don't want to."

"No it's fine, anything for you."

"I just got informed that they're releasing me today and I had no idea. So right now I really don't have anywhere to go or anyone to talk to."

"You're still in the nearest prison right? I'll come right now."

"Yeah, thank you K."

"No problem."

"I love you."

"... I love you too."

I hung up the phone and sat down in one of the chairs patiently waiting. I took the opportunity to take a nap.

"Lexis..." I heard someone whisper my name and tap my shoulder. "Karina." I stood up and gave her a hug that lasted forever but let go when I heard her sniffling. "Don't cry K, It's okay." After I wiped her tears with my thumb she smiled and grabbed my hand.

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