Chapter Seven

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It's been days since Karina snapped out on everyone. I don't regret not telling K about the cheating. It just wasn't my place to interfere with her relationship or whatever G was doing behind her back. I can say she beat the shit out of Adrianna, but I don't think she deserved it.

G had her thinking he lived alone and he was single but I don't blame K for what she did either. I wanted no parts in what's not my business, and the only business I actually had was Aubree.

"K, you alright?" I knocked on her door before coming in. She was sitting on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands and only had a bra and underwear on. "Please just go."

"No, my daughter needs her mom and she's too busy being depressed over a nigga who clearly never cared too much about—"

"Don't!" She cut me off and gave me a sharp look. "That's your problem and always has been... never wanna hear it. The truth hurts but oh well! Who was I to tell you that your husband was cheating on you? You wouldn't have believed me anyways so this attitude you have, I could care less about. My first priority is Aubree and she should be yours too, so cut it out and grow up!"

I walked out of her room slamming the door behind me but I stopped in my tracks. I heard her sobs on the other side of the door and immediately felt bad. I walked back in her room and pulled her into my chest. What can I say? The woman makes a nigga soft.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I just don't like to see you like this over someone who wouldn't shed a tear for you. You don't deserve to be beating yourself up all day like it was your fault. He fucked up, not you. He was cheating on you for months, maybe years I don't know and this whole time you only made one mistake which was my fault too. I'm sorry K just please clean yourself up and come out of this room."

She looked up from my chest and wiped her watery eyes. "Okay." I kissed her forehead and left her alone to check on Aubree.

"Hi daddy." She giggled wrapping her small body around my leg. "There you are. Were you hiding?" I watched as she nodded her head with that big smile of hers. We've gotten close ever since I got released and she's my everything. We agreed for her to only call me dad when G wasn't around but now she doesn't have to worry about that.

I've made a few moves trying to get myself together but I haven't told K about it yet. I bought a new and bigger house with my cut of the money K gave back. I should be moving in within a day or two. Hopefully we can arrange something so that Aubree can be with both of us. "Aubree!" Karina smiled lifting her off the ground and spinning.

"Mom what have you been doing up there? You missed all the cool stuff daddy showed me how to do."

"Really? What does big head Lexis got you doing?" She smiled up at me sitting Aubree down on my lap, and taking a seat beside me. "I know how to double knot my shoes, wash dishes, mop, draw Nala, and I can drink water ice through my twizzlers. He lets me help him do stuff but only if I want to and we got in the pool."

"The pool? You're afraid of water, since when can you swim?"

"I'm not scared anymore mommy, daddy helped me learn to swim." I sat back and enjoyed her smiling face, this little girl is amazing. "Wow I haven't even noticed you two spend a lot of time together." She smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder. "Mhm... So you feeling better?"

"I guess so."

"Good, but I wanted to tell you I'll be out of your hair at least, in two days."

"What are you talking about?"

"I bought my new house." Clearly I must've said something that bothered her because I couldn't read her facial expression. "Your leaving?" I nodded and watched Aubree get down from the couch to let us talk. "Yeah I already talked to Aubree about it and I have everything ready for me. I bought a new car, and I'm going to be sitting down with an old friend to talk about owning a business. Maybe a car wash, garage, I don't know. I just don't want to get back into the game with our daughter."

She stared at me for a while and nodded her head, shifting her position so I couldn't see her face. "K what's wrong? You should be happy for me and having my priorities straight."

"Nothing's wrong and I am happy for you." I can tell a lie coming from her from miles away. "Then why can't you look at me?" I pulled her legs on my lap so that she faced me. Her eyes were swollen and glossy yet she says nothing is wrong. "You're not happy and you don't have to lie about it. Can I tell you something else?" She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes.

"People like you, who are as good as you, deserve to be selfish every once in a while and I'm not upset at you because you're not happy. I know your happy for me but not actually happy. So tell me why your not happy."

"I am." Lie again Karina, I dare you. "Stop lying to me, you know how I get about that." I said sternly with annoyance in my voice. "I'm not happy cause your leaving me all alone and I don't want you to go right now." She pouted like the baby I know she is.

"Well I can't live with you forever K, eventually he's gonna want to fix y'all's marriage. You and Aubree can stay with me sometime if you want but I have to get my life back on track." Its funny how I've babied her all these years but I do want her to know I'll still be around.



"I love you."

"I love you too but can you please remove your foot from my balls?" A smile appeared on her face and she pushed me back on the couch. She crawled up on me and laid on my chest tracing along my tattoos. "Mommy can I live with daddy?" Aubree yelled running back into the living room.

"What about mommy?" She gave her a fake pout and covered her face. "I'm sorry mommy I'll live with you too." It was cute how Aubree cared so much. Spending time with my family is the only place my head is at and I couldn't ask for anything more right now.

If I could be with Karina, I would but I know she's married and moved on from me so a relationship with her is the last thing on my mind. We should be focusing on co parenting and living our lives and I'm just going to have to happily deal with that.

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