Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty        

It was Monday morning, and I let out a groan as the car made its way to school far too quickly. Dad decided to take me to school today, and I was thankful for that. If I saw Em on the bus, I wasn’t sure what I’d do.

            “Is everything alright Lacey, you’ve been quiet lately.”

            “It’s fine Dad, I’m just stressed a little for my Science retake,” I lied. I wasn’t worried about the retake at all – I’d got an A already, it was just to see if I could do better.

            “If you need any extra help, just ask us and we’ll find you a tutor or something.”

            “No it’s fine,” I whispered. The car pulled up outside the school car park. “I’ll see you later Dad,” I mumbled.

            “Okay, have a good day.” Fat chance of that, I thought as he drove away.

I shuffled slowly to the school gates. Kara was outside, standing with Em. Looks like the bus got here early. She glared at me as I walked passed, which I ignored. Inside, I spotted Ronan and Sarah holding hands in the corridor.

            “Hey guys,” I called, feeling mean for interrupting them but I had nowhere else to go.

            “Hey Lacey, how’s it going?” Ronan hinted. I smiled at him.

            “Same as usual,” I replied, hoping he understood. Sarah was still holding on to Ronan’s hand, and they were playing with each others’ fingers.

            “Em told me she saw you with Ronan,” Sarah began. I let out a small gasp.

            “Nothing happened –  I”

            “Relax, I know you two are good friends, you should know I don’t believe what she said.” Faintly, I smiled at her.

            “Thanks Sarah.” Ronan then turned to Sarah and kissed her.

            “You are such an amazing girlfriend,” he whispered in her ear, but still loud enough for me to hear. She blushed, embarrassed.

            “You too.”

We sat down on the benches along the corridor. It didn’t really feel like I was wanted, and eventually I slipped out of the conversation completely. No matter how hard I tried to block it out, I had to listen to their constant flirting, which made me think of Lewis. Where did we stand now?

            “Why so moody, Jennings?” A familiar voice chuckled. I turned to see he had sat next to me on the bench. It was great to see him, but the stupid little grin on his face told me that everything had returned to normal.

            “Nothing that concerns you, Jackson,” I sighed. Why couldn’t he just be the Lewis I liked all the time? It would make things so much easier.

            “Awwh, come on, did you break a nail?” he teased.

            “Whatever Jackson.”

            “So you lost your favourite earrings then?”

            “Whatever you say?”

            “Lacey, what’s wrong?” the use of my real name shocked me into stillness.

            “Nothing,” I muttered. Kara and Em walked passed then, snickering.

            “Oh look who it is, got Lewis and Ronan on each side of her, what a slut.” Kara just stood there as Em taunted me, She couldn’t even look me in the eye.

            “You know what; I’ve had enough of this.” I charged up to her, finding it difficult to control my anger once more. She infuriated me. I clenched my hand tightly into a fist, and raised it. Her eyes turned frightened showing her fear. Just as I was going to punch her square in the jaw, a strong hand gripped my arm, pulling me away.

            “She’s not worth it Jennings, come on,” he said through clenched teeth. Em retreated right away. Kara waited for a few seconds, with a guilty look pasted on to her face, but it didn’t last. She followed Em without saying a single word.

            “Jackson, why the hell did you stop me you little”

            “Jennings, you’d get freaking suspended if you hit her like that!” he interrupted.

            “It would have been worth it!”

            “No, it wouldn’t, now calm down we have to get to tutor now.”

            “Don’t you tell me to calm down Lewis Jackson! You know what she’s done to me? She’s made me lose my best friend, of five years!”

            “Kara will realise her mistake sooner or later…”

            “What if she doesn’t? It’s all your fault Jackson, if you hadn’t have taken me on that stupid trip,” I covered my mouth. He seemed to freeze a little, and then left me there standing alone, with a tear strolling down my face once again. I had cried too many times this past few days. Ronan and Sarah had left already, and I heard the bell ring, signalling that I was going to be late. May as well not go at all, I thought. At least I wouldn’t have to see Em. I made my way to reception instead, pretended to be late and signed in. Then it hit me – I had English next and I would have to face him.

*BIG thank you to everyone who comments votes and has become a fan! I'm thinking of a title change...what do you think? Does the title suit the story; I'm not so sure? Maybe I'll wait a few chapters. :)

Hehe, I'm soooo happy, I finished all my GCSEs now. Woohoo. No more exams...well until next January :P

Anywaaay. I guess I'll stop babbling. Have a good weekend!

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