"I am Death, here to talk to you as the last few minutes of your life waste awa- Michelle?" a heard a new voice say, sounding like he was reading off a note card, voice bored and monotoned until he said my name. "What the fuck happened?" 

Oh my God. 

I'm really going to die. 

"What the fuck do you think happened, dumbass," Belial growled. "Because of you tempting me, making me think I was high and mighty, I got exiled and now am basically killing whoever thinks of me as something more than a nobody."

"Hey, now is not the time to point fingers," Samuel hissed, making someone else growl. 

"Both of you, that's enough. Negative energy in a room like this is not a smart idea," Ariel scolded through sniffles, making me mentally frown. 

Come on, Michelle, when did you become so weak?

"Shut the fuck up, pixie-stick," Sammael said, making Ariel stiffen up, before slowly relaxing again. 

"Calm down, he's not worth it," Ariel whispered to himself, making me want to widen my eyes at Ariel's self control. If Sammael said that to me I would've ripped his head off. "Just focus on the situation at hand, he's not worth it." 

"Don't you dare try and start something with Ariel, now. You've fucked up enough lives," Belial spat, making Sammael cackle. 

"Yeah, I've fucked them up, but I've never fucked any. I was hoping that could change though," Sammael said mischievously as I felt a pair of eyes on me, making Ariel's grip on me tighten again as both of us stiffened. 

Oh no he fucking didn't. 

He's so lucky I don't have the energy to rip him to shreds right now. 

"That was disrespectful, and I'm not going to tolerate that type of behavior, Sammael," Ariel said in a dangerously calm voice, scaring me a little bit. Even when Ariel was being serious or was mad there was still some playfulness in his voice. There was always playfulness in his voice. 

But just then. It was like talking to a robot. 

"What are you going to do, pretty boy? Sprinkle some pixie dust at me?" Sammael countered, making Ariel take labored breaths. 

"Don't stoop to his level," Ariel kept repeating to himself, making me remember what Belial told me. 

Everyone has a monster inside of them.

"Sammael, I swear to God. If you make Ariel turn to fallen because of your stupid-ass jealousness, than I will rip your throat out with my bare hands," Belial growled out venomously, defending Ariel like I would my brother. 

Wait, jealous? Why would he be jealous?

"You guys are yelling at me while she's dying over there," Sammael stated, a smacking sound finding my ears a second later- followed by a groan from Sammael. 

"Shut the fuck up, man," Belial growled, making Sammael cackle. 

"I'm so sorry, Michelle, I'm so sorry," Ariel murmured, bringing me closer to him. "I would do it if I could, but I'm not allowed to. Please understand that. I'm so sorry," he sobbed quietly, making me mentally nod. 

'I'm not mad. I understand,' I wanted to say, but couldn't because of... obvious reasons. 

I wouldn't allow him to do it if it meant loosing his title, anyway. I can see it means a lot to them. 

"You guys are seriously not going to do anything?" Sammael said in a bored tone, making Ariel stiffen up. 

"It's not that I won't. I can't. God says we aren't allowing to toy with death," Ariel stated harshly, probably shocking all of us. 

Hell's Personal Assassin: Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang