Chapter 42: Lilo and Gwennypig

Start from the beginning

"You know, Lily, even if you said you were the other one I'd've loved you. I just wanted you to be one of them, not both, it's a bad combination." He said, and he kissed her on the forehead again.


*Charlie's POV*

Charlie hadn't had so much stress before. Gwen's parents would be coming over, and it would be the first time Charlie would meet them, so he had to cook the best food he could to impress them. That was, for Gwen was a menace at cooking. She'd set the skillet on fire and held it under water, nearly setting the whole kitchen on fire. Charlie was going to make ratatouille, which was one of his favorite dishes. Gwen was pacing through the living room when a crack was heard. They had arrived. Charlie wiped his hands on his apron, which he then hung on the little hanger on the wall. He walked to the door, where Gwen had already greeted her parents. Charlie felt highly uncomfortable around her father, for he didn't have a good relation with Charlie's family. Plus, this man was the man who killed Fred, but Charlie had to ask Mr Rookwood for Gwen's hand, for, even though he did things she didn't like, Gwen was very much attached to her father.

Mr Rookwood was tall, pock-marked and grey greasy-haired man. He reminded Charlie a little of his old teacher Severus Snape, although this man looked a lot more... poisonous? He smiled venomous at Charlie. "You must be Charles." he said, and Charlie nodded.

"Charlie, Mr Rookwood." Charlie said, as he shook the man's hand.

"Right. I'll call you Charles. Gwennypig, your mother couldn't make it." Charlie stifled a laugh at the nickname.

Gwen didn't seem to like the nickname, as she was flushing. "That's alright. Let's just have dinner." she said, and she guided her father to the dinner table.

It was a very awkward dinner, and Mr Rookwood wasn't very nice. Gwen seemed to be uncomfortable as well, and even more every time Mr Rookwood called her Gwennypig, which still made no sense to Charlie, as it sounded like Guinea pig. However, it did, once Charlie and Gwen talked in the kitchen for a bit.

"Gwen, why does he call you Gwennypig?" he asked, and Gwen blushed.

"Well, I haven't told you this before, but I'm an animagus. You know, I can turn into an animal." she said.

"Wait, what?" Charlie said, and she rolled her eyes. Charlie blinked, and before him sat a Guinea pig. "You're a Guinea pig? How come?" Gwen returned in a flash, and then she chuckled at his expression.

"I learned it when I went out with Circe."

Charlie looked puzzled. "Who's Circe? Isn't that a girl's name?" he asked, and she nodded.

"It is, I had this phase. And Circe is a girl that was in my year. She was in Slytherin. Had an obsession with Guinea pigs. It's a long story. Let's go back to my father, he's an impatient man." she said, and she quickly walked back to the dining room. 

After the dinner Charlie decided to ask for Gwen's hand. "Mr Rookwood, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" he asked, and Mr Rookwood nodded. Before they were in the kitchen, he spoke. "No." he said.

"What, no?" Charlie asked.

Mr Rookwood looked at him. "No. You can't marry her. You're a filthy Blood Traitor who associates with Muggles and alike. I'd never want to be in a room with you, but my Gwennypig wanted me to. I won't allow you to marry." He said, and Charlie got furious. "Besides, you're just the other one. She's far better off with that chap Max. They're getting married next month." he said.

That sparked Charlie's anger. He wasn't usually angry, no, he was very caring. But this wasn't what he'd wanted to hear. This man had killed his little brother, and now it turned out Gwen was getting married? "You're lying. She loves me."

"No, boy, she just makes love with you, she doesn't really love you, she loves Max." Charlie couldn't believe what he heard and ran to the dining room.

"Who's Max?" he asked, and Gwen's usually rosy cheeks turned pale. "So you are getting married? Get out before I curse the both of you. My brother was right. You're filthy scum." He groped for his wand and sent some curses after them, Mr Rookwood trying a killing curse that hit the door Charlie slammed after them. He sunk to the ground, the ring he'd've used to propose still in his hand.


Hey you guys! 3K! Wooohoooo! I did two POVs because they were quite long. So, I have to confess that I won't be able to update for a little more than a week because I'm going to pony camp, Hoeve La Marotte. I'm highly excited, but I will update maybe Sunday the 23d?

Anyway, tell me what you think of my special, and I send out virtual blue cookies for those who got my reference! Thanks for reading, loves!



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