Testosterone and Girl Talk

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all of the votes and reads on the last chapter. It got me so excited that I had an idea.

I have a challenge for you all. If you guys can get me to 1,000 reads with 30 votes, I am going to post the synopsis for the next book that I have been working on. I am extremely excited about it and can’t wait to start posting. So please read! 

Okay, so here is the next chapter. I was having a little bit of writer’s block when trying to write it, so forgive me. Please vote, read, and comment on the story so far. Thank you so much!!! 

Chapter 25: Testosterone and Girl Talk


When I wake up the next morning, I am engulfed by Seth’s body. His arms are wrapped around me and his legs are hanging on mine. It feels absolutely amazing, but nature is calling and telling me to go to the bathroom. I slide out from Seth and put a pillow in my place. Seth snuggles up to the cushion and lets out a groan. I giggle and take out my phone. A clicking sound confirms the photo that I just took of my boyfriend sleeping like a baby, perfect blackmail for if I would ever need it.

My lips curl up into a smile at the memory of our date last night. He was incredibly sweet and caring. When he accidentally hit me, I thought for a second that he was going to break out crying. However, what I was really impressed with was his control. Most guys would have taken advantage of our make out situation last night, but he was . . . shockingly . . . a gentlemen. He knew I wasn’t ready and respected that. He’s amazing.

When I am done using the bathroom, I come out to the smell of bacon swimming through the room. I follow my nose to the kitchen and see Krista standing at the stove, cooking.

“Hi,” I say and sit down at the kitchen table.

Krista gives a small shriek and jumps out of her skin. She whips around and places a hand over her heart.

“Jeez Low,” she breathes. “You scared me!”

“You look happy this morning,” I giggle and wiggle my eyebrows at her. She blushes bright red.

“Mind your own business!” she scolds lightly.

“Come on! Tell me! How was your date with Arty?” I say and sigh out his name dramatically. Krista clamps her mouth shut like she is trying to hold her excitement in, but it eventually bursts out.

“He’s so sweet!” she squeals. “He’s been asking me out for years, but I’ve always said no. I just never felt like it was the right time, but last week he asked me out to dinner again and I said yes. I have no idea why, I just did! He took me out to dinner and then we went back to his apartment and . . . this is totally not okay to be talking about this to my son’s girlfriend,” she sighs.

I laugh at her eagerness about her date. 

“It’s okay Krista. You can talk to me anytime you want. God knows there is enough testosterone around this place. A little bit of girl talk every once and a while won’t hurt.”

She laughs and moves back to the bacon. 

“Do you need any help?” I ask. She directs me to the eggs on the counter and I start cracking away. Once the bacon is cooked to a crisp and the eggs are scrambled, I go into the family room to wake Seth up.

I try poking him, shoving him, heck I even pull away his new sleeping buddy, also known as a pillow. Nothing works. He groans and I suddenly have an idea. 

Carefully, I lie down next to him and blow on his neck. He groans again, but louder this time, letting me know that I am on the right track. I raise my head and start placing light kisses on his face. First his cheeks, then his nose, then his forehead, and finally his lips. The whole times my fingers are running light patterns over his stomach. When he opens his mouth and his hands clench my shirt, I can tell that I definitely have his attention.

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