"Yes, this is Jessica. Jessica, this is my new friend, Miracle." He explained. She looked down at me.

"Miracle? What an odd name." She commented. I smirked.

"Jessica. It is the perfect name for a cliche blonde bimbo, don't you agree?" I retorted. She glared at me, as Oliver tried to stop from laughing.

"Oli. Are you going to let her treat me like this?!" She yelled. I covered my ears.

"Okay. Enough with the torture! God, I think you made my ears bleed. You should really get it checked out. It isn't healthy to squeak that loud." I smirked. She glared again and then looked at Oliver.

"Seriously?! You know what? We're over!" She squeaked, rushing off. He didn't even flinch. I felt a large pang of guilt in my gut.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry." I apologized. He shrugged.

"Not a big deal. We were only together because our parents were close friends." He explained. I nodded, feeling a lot less guilty.

"Won't they be mad?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Hers might. Mine are kind of dead." He looked a his phone. I sighed.

"Oh." I spoke. He shrugged. It was silent for a minute before Rebekah's voice rang through the air.

"Miracle! I found something!" She called, almost skipping towards me. I chuckled at her exitment before taking the outfit from her. I examined it quickly. A white tank top with a quote on it from the book 'Paper Towns'. I read it quickly. The town was made of paper, but the memories were not. I nodded, looking at the short black shorts she had picked with it.

"Okay." I shrugged,taking it up to the cashier.

"Aren't you going to try it on?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I don't feel like it." After buying the outfit, I went back and got Oliver's number.

I looked in the mirror, thanking God that the outfit did, indeed, fit. It was cute. My black converse with the outfit along with a black snapback. I was finally ready after applying eyeliner and mascara. My hair also falling into golden ringlets on my shoulders.

"You look nice." A voice spoke, startling me. I chuckled, turning to face her.
"Well, I guess you have partial credit. I kind of stole your appearance." I chuckled. She let out a chuckle also.

"So, are you nervous?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"About what? Winter, do you know what's going on?" I asked, nervousness building inside me suddenly. She nodded. "Well?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret." She put her index finger over her smirking lips. I sighed, looking back at my reflection.

"Fine." I growled, grabbing my phone off of my bed and shoving it in my back pocket.

"Let's go! Your chariot awaits." Rebekah ordered. I nodded, rushing out to her car.

After a while we arrived at the grill. I narrowed my eyes.
"The Grill isn't particularly what I'd consider special date quality." I pointed out.

"Well, it's because you aren't staying here. You are just meeting Kol here." Caroline replied from next to me. Rebekah and Winter agreed from the front. I sighed.

"Well then, see you guys later." Then they were off, leaving me outside the Grill. I rushed inside and was immediately stopped by Matt.

"Hey Miracle. Can you not yell this time. People are beginning to complain." He questioned. I nodded, letting out a laugh.

Nearly Heartless {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now