"Yes!"...or not.

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I laid down, my eyes resting on Kol as he slept. His mouth was slightly open, his brown eyes were hidden by his eyelids, and his hair was ruffled all over the place. I couldn't help but admire him. It happened a lot lately, probably because of what happened with Rena last week. Just the small amount of doubt I had made me all the more greatful to have him. The way he sometimes talked in his sleep was, while annoying to others, soothing and adorible to me and the way he got when he saw me talking to his brothers was just proof that he loved me.

"Miracle? Are you awake?" Rebekah's voice whispered into the room. I looked up to see her peaking through the door.

"Yeah. One second." I smiled. She nodded leaving the room. I hopped up and changed out of my P.Js and into my normal leather pants, leather jacket and white shirt, accompanied with a pair of black combat boots.

"Yeah?" I asked, closing Kol's door behind me. She smiled at me.

"Kol asked me to keep you busy today." She explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Why?" I asked, slightly thinking he was going to do something terrible. My heart broke for a second before she spoke.

"He is planning something for you. All I can say. Anyways, let's just go. I have a lot of things planned." She smirked. I sighed in relief, knowing that I was safe from evil sluts trying to take my boyfriend.

"You want me to shop? Seriously?" I asked, my eyes trained on the store in front of us.

"Yes! What he has planned requires a somewhat nice outfit." She explained. I nodded, sighing.

"Fine. Let's get this over with." She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the store that was infested with clothes and girls my age. "So, are we looking for a dress, or skirt?" I asked, cringing in disgust.

"No, we need something nice, but not particularly fancy." She described. I nodded, scanning around. My eyes landed on some guy, possibly the only guy in the store, sitting on a lounging chair in front of the dressing rooms. He looked extremely bored, his blue eyes trained on his phone game.

"I'm going to look for something on this side. Find me if you find anything." Rebekah informed me. I nodded. I sighed, looking around once more before deciding to let Rebekah deal with it. She'd know better than me anyways. I sat on a free chair near the guy and pulled out my phone.

"Hey." The guy greeted. I smiled at him.

"Hi." I looked back down at my phone and saw a message appear on my screen.

Hey loser. Hope you are having a great time with my sister, muah. ~Obviously Kol.

I smiled at my phone.

"Your boyfriend?" The guy asked. I looked up again.

"Yeah. Um, I'm Miracle." I introduced, putting my phone down. He smiled at me.

"Oliver." He replied. I nodded. Just then a woman came out of the dressing room. She was wearing a short, red dress that flared at the bottom and was strapless.

"Oli! How do I look?" She asked, her voice high pitched and annoying. Oliver looked over at her.

"You look great, Sweetie." He hesitated. I looked between them.

"Is this your girlfriend?" I asked, smiling at her. She looked at me, almost looking disgusted at me. He cleared his throat, trying to stop the tension.

Nearly Heartless {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now