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We return to the cabin and I find Trent pacing back and forth in the shed and Alan still asleep with Nala laying on his face.

"Where were you!?" Says Trent walking up to us and grabbing my arm,

"We went and got wood," I say and Austin walks past us and puts it on the fire.

"You should tell me next time,"

"You don't own me," I say shaking his grip off of me and walking past him annoyed.

Austin looks at us awkwardly and continues putting wood into the fire.
I walk and sit next to him and Trent still stands by the door looking outside, and walks out into the woods.

"You don't think I was too harsh?" I say regretting being a bitch to him.
Austin looks at me and makes a " 😁" face and stands up,

"girl you need to control your emotions," says Alan making me jump,

"I didn't even know you were awake," I say turning to him,

"I heard the whole thing," he says stroking Nala whose sitting on his lap.

"I'm going to go find him," I say jogging out of the shed, and I hear Alan say "pfft, teenage girls." and a chuckle.

"Trent?" I yell out walking around aimlessly,

"Shhh!" I hear him spit. I spin around but I can't see him anywhere,

"Where are you?" I say walking around in circles, but I'm grabbed from behind and pulled behind a tree,

"what part of 'shh' don't you understand?" He says letting me go and smiling sheepishly down at me,

"I'm sorry," I say "for being a bitch back there, I'm just so stressed out and sleep deprived."

"It's okay, we all are, now be quiet," he says peaking out from behind the tree, and I have no idea what we're hiding from when I hear branches crack and gurgling noises. I poke my head out from around the other side of the tree and see at least 30 walkers winding their way through the woods.

"What do we do?" I say pulling back behind the tree,

"Don't run, just stay behind the tree," I hear him say, and he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his gun,

"What are you, stupid?" I say wacking it out of his hands, "you'll attract them and they'll follow us back to the shed," I say quietly.

"But we can't leave them to lurk around here," Says Trent,

"Just don't lead them to the shed, it'll end worse," I spit picking up his gun and holding it. We both face our back to the tree and hope for the best and that the walkers don't spot us and keep walking.
10 minutes past and we can only just see the walkers in the distance,
"Go," says Trent and he runs towards the shed, and I follow laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He says still running,

"We just outsmarted zombies," I say smiling and hopping over logs and branches,

"Well they're not that smart anyway," he says chuckling and a few minutes later we reach the shed.

We run into the shed still smiling and giggling but puffing from the slippery mud run back to the shed,

Austin smiles at us as he climbs down from the attic, "looks like you two are on good terms again," he says handing us some noodles left over from last night.
I smile up at him and he smiles down at me and we dig into our noodles greedily.
I walk over to the hay beds and pick up little Nala whose half asleep, and I bring her up to my face and kiss her nose, she then sneezes in my face and falls back asleep in my hands.
I giggle and sit down with her and play with her little soft ears, "how long are we going to stay here for?" I ask,

"We'll probably have to leave today," says Trent, "since them walkers are hanging around here and I don't think I want a surprise from them,"

"What walkers?" Says Austin looking at us curiously,

"We ran into a pack of walkers on the way back," I say "there had to be at least 30,"

Austin eyes widen and he nods, "we'll leave in an hour."

So we set about packing our stuff up, I make a little sling out of some old fabric I found in the attic and sit Nala inside so just her head is popping out and she's sitting just between my boobs safely, which she happily stays as it's warm.

"Hey Trent, could you help me with something?" Asks Austin, "there's for gods knows what reason a knife stuck to the ceiling of the attic floor, I need you to crouch down to I can sit on your shoulders,"

Trent shrugs not seeming too fussed about the task and happily let's Austin sit on his shoulders.

"Hey Nori," says Alan signalling for me to come to him, "want to play a prank on Trent?"

"Sure, as long as it doesn't kill him," I say, Alan stares at me for a few second as if thinking about my response and processing it.
He grins and pulls me behind the wall where Austin and Trent are working together on the other side and yells "oh yeah, you like that don't you babe?" And I hear Trent yell "what!" And Austin yelling frantically "don't drop me!" And Alan pulls me out from behind the wall and we run past Austin and Trent and outside where Alan doubles over laughing until Trent comes storming out of the shed and looks like he's about to kill Alan,
"No, it was a joke!" I say hugging Trent's arm holding him back laughing.
His muscles loosen and he starts to laugh along with us and I hear Austin say "I'm never trusting you two alone again." And him walk out of the shed chuckling.

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