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Step step step step
'Where am I?'
Step step step step
I open my eyes, 'am I being carried?'
I turn my head and look up, and I realise that I am actually being carried by Austin, how dreamy, 'snap out of it fangirl,' I say in my head.

"Where am I?" I manage to say.

Austin stops, obviously surprised that I'm awake.
"You blacked out, how are you feeling?" He saids with concern in his voice.

I don't reply, I'm too confused- my memory is jumbled and nothing makes sense.

"Nori? Can you walk?" Austin saids, I look up at him and he's obviously concerned,

"I swear to god if she's bitten" I hear Alan say.

"She's not! We wouldn't just leave her as she is even if she was bitten," Austin spits back.

Knowing that I'm in good hands makes me feel a lot better, "yes, I can walk" I say.
Austin genteelly puts my back on my feet and smiles down at me, making my heart melt.

"Hey I'm sorry kid, I didn't mean to sound harsh," saids Alan, looking kinda nervous but apologetic.

"That's okay, you have every right to feel that way, I wouldn't want someone who had been bitten near me either," I say, smiling at him, because we all know what happens when someone gets bitten.

Alan obviously didn't mean any harm. I've been an om&m fan for years, I've never met them, but yet I know them inside and out.
He smiles back at me, obviously glad I don't have a grudge against him.

"So what were you doing all on your own?" Austin asks me,

"My house got broken into this morning by a zombie, no one else was home so I fled," I say, looking down at me feet, feeling pretty down about myself, and missing my dad.

Austin and Alan turn and look at each other, then back at me.

"You can hang with us, we don't mind. think of it as a day out with one of your favourite bands, except you're trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse," says Alan, smiling at me, trying to make me feel better.
I smile back at him and Austin "I'd love to," I say.
We start to make our way to the town, I don't know exactly where we're headed in town but I don't think it's such a good idea, not with what happened last night.
"Where are we going?" I say.

"Into town," Austin saids, looking straight ahead.

"Shouldn't we avoid the town? I mean that's where the explosion happened last night?"

"Aaron, Phil and Tino caught the flight after ours, they should be at the airport, I won't rest until I find them." Saids Austin sturdily.

I understand his concern, but it's really not worth it, the city is going to be a reck, we'll die.

"We really shouldn't take the risk, I mean the city will probably be overrun with zombies, we won't make it through a day," I say concerned.

"I don't care! We're going to find them wether it's swarmed with zombies or not!" Saids Austin, yelling at me.

I stop in my tracks, shocked but feeling bad. "Sorry," I say.

Austin sighs and turns around, "no I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you, especially a fan," he saids, coming up and hugging me, and Alan comes up and hugs us too.

"*sniff* I just hope they're okay *sniff*" saids Alan.
By now I feel extremely bad, making Alan cry and Austin yell at me.
We hug for a few minutes, letting our emotions fall over us, and forming the beginning on an unbreakable bond.
Once we all let go, we smile at each other and giggle
"Well, that's one thing I never thought would happen," I say, wiping a year away from my cheek, chuckling along with the them. We turn and head for the city, this time not making Austin yell at me and Alan cry.

We arrive at the bridge that leads to the city, and we're all gobsmacked by what we see.
Our eyes lay across a bridge filled with cars, some that are inches from falling off the side and into the river, and others with blood smeared across the glass.
'What have I gotten myself into?' I say to myself.

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