Time Travels

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We're all sitting in the lounge room dribbling shit when we hear some banging on the other side of the house.
Me and Austin look at each other, giving each other the "shit we led the walkers here," glare.
We all get up, Alan holding Nala and Trent holding his gun. We pull back the curtain and find 5 runners staring up at us, and we know they're runners because they're jumping and trying to climb the wall to get us- walkers don't do that, plus they're not this energetic.

"Shit," says Austin and he backs away from the window,

"Looks like our time at the house has came to an end," says Alan stroking Nala.
If only they were walkers, we could probably take them out, but runners are too quick and flexible. Why does there have to be different types of zombies? Just the walkers are enough to deal with.

"Get your stuff, we'll go through the back door," says Austin.
I run upstairs and stuff all my clothes into my bag, then run back down to find Alan filling his bag with food and water, leaving no room for spare clothes.

"so you're gonna go naked?" I ask,

"I'll just steal some of Trent's or Austin's clothes," he says rushing to meet the two boys at the back door. Austin creeps over to the fence and peers over,

"They're still pawing at the window," he says, "we have to jump the fence and go through the woods."

Alan groans and we run over to the fence,
"You first girl," says Alan giving me a leg up, and i'm soon followed by Alan, Trent then Austin and we all scuttle into the trees.

"We've had too many close calls," says Austin, "our luck won't last for forever."

*two weeks later*
Day 42

We were on the move for a few days before we were picked up by a group of 3 people. They were scouting for supplies but they found us instead, and we compromised. We've been with them for a week, and we're all living in a old abounded concrete building, it's not pretty but no one thinks anything of it as they walk past, so they leave us alone. On the top floor they have a little vegetable garden too, carrots, corn, potatoes- you name it, they have it.

"So Nori, I've seen the way you and Trent look at each other," says Alex, he's 19, tall and skinny, his build is kinda like Austin's, and he's really funny, he's a quirky type of person that just makes everything fun.

I blush, "we're not dating," I say looking down at my feet embarrassed.

"Oh come on kid," says Maggie, she's in her late 20s and she's basically the mother figure in this group.

"Ya'll would make cute babies," says Travis, who is Alex's brother, and a year younger than him, making him 18.

"I'm not planning on getting pregnant any time soon sorry," I say lifting my head up and they're all grinning at me.
Austin, Alan and Trent are all below in the building, we're up the top watching for zombies as there was apparently a herd coming this way. Did I mention they're stoked full of guns? All because the other and only female other than me in the group, Maggie used to be a police officer before the apocalypse.

"That's what they all say," says Travis chuckling,

"Okay give the girl a break," says Maggie and she winks at me. I've never been a fan of females- they're all bitches(well the ones I've come across anyway) and I've never had a female friend who's lasted more than a year, they all end up backstabbing me. But I like Maggie, she's always got my back, and it feels good to have another girl around here- boys are way too much to handle.

"If you so say boss," says Travis. That's another thing- she's pretty scary, but sweet at the same time- so all the boys don't mess with her.

"Lunch is ready," says Alan as he pops his head up through the floor and scuttles back down the stairs to the floor underneath us, and my nose is greeted by the smell of roast pork.

I hope ya'll like the direction the story has taken, I'll be ending this story soon too, in 10 or so chapters.

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