Much Awkward, Very Embarrass

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We sit awkwardly once again. I look down at my feet and twiddle my thumbs humming along to 'Another You' when Alan suddenly gets up and runs into the bunk area.
"Is he okay?" Asks Trent looking concerned and I walk into the bunks and find Alan face down on his bed with his face buried in his pillow.

"Alan?" I say walking over and sitting next to him, "what's wrong?" I ask sitting my hand on his back.
He sits up and hangs his head low, "you were humming to Another You, it reminded me of Tino, Aaron and Phil," he says chocking back a sob.
I wrap my arms around him feeling terrible, how could I do that? I should be more careful, I hate seeing Alan upset, especially over something so touchy.
"I'm sorry Alan," I say,

"It's alright, it's a beautiful song, I don't blame you," he says letting go and smiling at me.
I hug him again and he sniffles and wipes his eyes while I get off of his bed and sit back down with Trent who's looking at me confused.

"They were his band mates," I say quietly, "were."
His eyes open and he suddenly looks sad. He looks over at Alan and sympathy is just radiating off Trent.

*some hours later*

We're all hanging in the lounge area chuckling as we tell Trent of all the funny things that have happened between us, he also cried of laughter when I told him about Alan's tampon incident, which made Alan turn beet red- when we hear banging on the side of the bus.
We all look at each other until Austin sighs and gets up to inspect what the noise is and we all follow behind him and we peak out the window.
There's two runners outside, looking up at us through the window as we stare down at them.

"Do we kill them, or drive away?" Asks Trent, patting his pocket when I realise he has a gun with him.

"We'll drive, I don't want to waste my time on them," says Austin walking to the front of the bus and I pull Trent to the bunk area.

"You didn't tell us you had a gun," I say, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't think it'd bother you that much," he says looking down at me,

I sigh, "can you at least put it away? It gives me the heeby geebies just looking at it," I say.
He chuckles and walks towards his bed and puts it under his pillow.
"Better?" He says walking towards me with his hands in the air,
"Better," I say smiling.

"Better," says Alan jokingly as he walks past us into the bathroom interrupting our moment.

"So, are you and Alan.. like a thing?" Asks Trent,

"No, god no," I say laughing while Trent awkwardly chuckles along with me.
I look up at him and he's gone red, god he's so cute when he's embarrassed, and I remember what happened back at the safe zone- he kissed me.

"That's good," he says awkwardly looking down at his feet, "I like you Nori."
My heart pounds in my chest and butterflies fill my stomach as he speaks those 4 words, I've never had a guy tell me that before.

"Oh get a room," says Alan as he exits the bathroom and walks past us and grins and skips to the front of the bus and I hear him say "Austin I have some juicy gossip to tell you."

We smile at each other awkwardly and we sit in the lounge area.

"So, you like rock and metal type bands and stuff?" Asks Trent,

"Well, I don't really look like someone who would listen to pop do I?" I say chuckling.

"No," says Trent giggling with me, "do you listen to Falling In Reverse?" He asks.

"OH MY GOD YES," I yell excitedly jumping up and down grinning like a dork.

"Same!" Says Trent smiling "I've met Ronnie before, outside the building he was going to perform in,"

"You're so lucky! I love Ronnie and his band," I say feeling jealous "I have a FIR shirt too-" I say, then remembering I had left it at the safe zone, "well I did."

"I have one!" Says Trent as he runs into the bunk area and runs back out holding a shirt with Ronnie's face on it.
"You can wear it if you like," he says handing it to me.
I quickly change into it and walk out into the lounge area and find Trent talking to Austin,
"Awh, you look so cute kid," says Austin smiling at me as I walk over to him wearing the really oversized shirt.
"I'm never taking this off, just so you's know," I say smiling at Trent and Austin.

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