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Day 3

I wake up and stare at the ceiling of our bunk, momentarily forgetting where I was and how I got here.
I look to my right and Austin is quietly snoring away next to me facing my direction 'he's so cute when he's sleeping,' I smile.
I have an urge to pee, so I crawl over Austin and he wakes up and grabs my leg
"Who is it?" He saids sleepily,

"It's me, can you let me go please?" I say, waiting for him to release my leg, he grunts and does so.

I climb out of bed, and when I stand I turn around and see Alan's sleepy face inches from mine, his mouth wide open. I giggle, and tickle his nose, he moans and rubs it while shutting his mouth,
"You'll catch flys with your mouth if you sleep like that," I say chuckling and he shuffles and faces the opposite direction and falls back asleep.
I then realise I don't even know where the bathroom is, great.
I move to the front of the bus, hoping I'm going in the right direction- nope, I find myself in the lounge area and faced with a wall which has fanart and letters stuck to it, how adorable, their fans must mean the world to them.
"Our fans are incredible," I hear Austin say from behind me, making me jump,

"What is it with you and Alan scaring me all the time?" I say making Austin giggle, I turn back to the wall and say "I can tell, they're really talented," looking up at all the pieces of pieces of work ranging from photos with band members- to letters and drawings.

I turn back to Austin and see a sleepy Alan walking towards us rubbing his eyes "I swear something tickled my nose not too long ago, and I heard something about flys?" saids Alan confused, making me laugh.
"You," He squints his eyes at me and runs at me and starts tickling me,
"No no! Stop! I surrender I surrender!" I manage to say through the giggles, he stops and looks at me in triumph, then walks over to the kitchen which is the room next to the lounge area. Leaving me and Austin by ourselves, I catch my breath after being attacked with tickles and turn to Austin "are we gonna head off today?" I say

"Yep," he saids smiling at me, he opens his mouth to start another sentence when I hear Alan scream from the kitchen- we bolt in and find Alan holding one of my tampons and looking as pale as Casper The Friendly Ghost (if you don't know who that is then you had no childhood)
"I THOUGHT IT WAS A PIECE OF CANDY" he squeaks, dropping the half open tampon.
'He's obviously not a ladies man' I say to myself, while erupting with laughter and rolling on the floor in hysterics.
Austin is also laughing at Alan, who still is looking stunned.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" He saids, looking down at me mouth wide open. And after many minutes of poor Alan being laughed at, the situation calms down, and I sit up, still giggling with Austin behind me using the bench for support.

"My day has already been made," I say, standing up and giving Alan a pat on the shoulder,

"I've been scarred for life," he whimpers, staring at the floor.

An hour later, we're all over the funny mistake Alan made, and I'm sure he's never going to go through my bag again in search for goodies, we decide to start the bus and leave.
"We only have half a tank of fuel, so we'll need to stock up before we leave the city," saids Austin from the drivers seat.
I wander to the back of the bus, and what'd ya know, there's a bathroom.
After going to the toilet, I jump back in Austin's bed again and take a nap.

"Nori, Nori" I hear someone say
"Huh?" I groan, finding myself being shaken by Alan,
"the view is amazing come look!" He saids running off into the lounge area, I slowly make me way out of bed and I pass a mirror and oh dear god- I look like a reck. I shuffle over to the window- and wow, that's what you call a view.
We're driving on the side of a mountain, and there's a crystal clear lake with a jetty and it's surrounded by trees- I also see a little log cabin amongst the trees, 'it's so pretty.' I mumble, awestruck by the scenery.
'It would make a great retreat,'
I think to myself.
"Austin, drive to the cabin- it'll be good place to take shelter and redeem ourselves," I yell to the front of the bus, 'that's if it's not already being lived in.'

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