Not Today

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After many minutes, I have no idea how long, we finally decide to leave- we don't say a word, but we follow each other's lead on the way to the exit while taking anything that we can use.
I never imagined being in this position- watching my idols cry in front of me, seeing dead band members- it's just all too overwhelming, and my breathing starts to pick up the pace, and I start to panic, feeling like my life is over and we're all going to be eaten alive and have a terrible death, I can't stop the thoughts- they keep flooding into my mind, I start to cry.

"Hey Nori are you okay?" Says Alan, stooping and walking back to me
"Austin! Something wrong with Nori," he yells out to Austin who is at least 15 metres in front of us. He turns around, and walks our way- his face stained with tears, I feel bad for making them worry about me just after discovering their friends have died.
Austin's emotionless face quickly changes as he sees me in my anxiety stricken state of panic, and runs over to me.
"Nori calm down, you're safe with us," says Austin in a caring voice.
"What's wrong with her?" Alan asks Austin, because I'm in no shape to reply- my breathing has sky rocketed and I can't stop the tears and overwhelming sense of fear.
"She's having an anxiety attack, Nori control your breathing," Austin saids to me, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking straight into my eyes
"Concentrate on me, not your fear," he saids, in a sturdy and calm voice.
Alan watches on, scared and worried for my health, I give him a smile for reassurance and he runs over and pushing Austin into me and hugs us both, calming me down a buttload "Damn girly don't scare me like that," saids Alan, still clinging onto me and Austin.
They let go and both look at me "are you okay now?" Asks Austin, smiling at me
"Yes, thank you," I say back, extremely grateful.
And we start our way back to exit, this time a little more joyful- I guess I got their mind off the horrible scene in port 23 with my embarrassing panicking.
We turn the corner which leads to the escalators and the exit, and I'm grabbed and pulled up against someone, and a knife is held to my throat, and suddenly I'm thrown into another world of danger.


After Nori's panic attack, I feel more attached to this girl- at first she was just tagging along to help us, which I know is selfish- but I'll be sad to see her go, I hope she stays with us, she brings joy to our horrible situations.
We turn a corner, Nori leading the way when out of the blue she's grabbed and has a knife held to her throat in the blink of an eye.
Alan freezes next to me, and sticks his feet to ground, obviously struck with panic.
"Let her go!" I yell, boiling with anger.
The man is at least 6'2, shorter than me- but much bulkier, this guy looks like he just came out of the army.
He smirks at me, obviously amused.
"I wouldn't dream of hurting this little darlin," he saids, tightening his grip of Nori, making her squirm with discomfort,
"What do you want!?" I yell, trying not to make the wrong move, otherwise we'd be leaving without Nori, and that can't happen- not today, not ever, but this guy looks like the real deal, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her.


"What do you want!?" Yells Austin, and he's obviously furious by the tone of his voice- he hasn't been this angry since a man made fun of a fan that died from cancer, and that didn't end well.
I shuffle behind the wall, while the man and Austin keep up their conversation.


I watch as Alan slips around a corner, and flees 'I wonder what he's doing? He better not leave us,' I say to myself, hopeful that he does return.
I notice that not Austin or the man holding me hostage notices Alan's sneaky move, and I feel much better about the situation knowing that there's a second plan- even though I have a knife held to my throat.
"I'm just here for supplies," the man saids, his voice raspy, but in no way sounding weak, he probably hasn't had a drink in a while.
Austin looks me in the eye, and drops his bag, and slings it across the floor in our direction, the man bends over to pick it up, still having me in his grasp, his arms tighten and begin to choke me as he reaches for the bag
"Stop you're hurting her!" Austin yells, walking towards us
"Uh uh uh, don't move"
The man shoots up and bring the knife closer to my neck. Austin bares his clenched teeth is annoyance and stands his ground, but he's no longer looking at us- he's looking behind us? Something is either going to go terribly wrong, or in our favour.
Austin locks eyes with the man, and steps away
'Wait why is he stepping away?' I say in my head 'is something happening behind me and it's making him flee?' I start to panic, and the man senses that as he starts to tighten his grip on me again, but there's a noise behind me, sounding like someone has run into a something and made it crash to the floor, and Austin lunges forward while the man is distracted buy the presence behind us- and grabs the knife being held to my throat and stabs him in the arm, the man shrieks and falls backwards, clutching his arm, but falls into the grasp of not one zombie, but 4, which sinks their teeth into his upper body.


'If I could find a route that leads behind where Nori's being held hostage, I could easily knock this asshole out,' I say, happy with my plan, so I continue to scuttle and make my way through the airport in search for a way to get behind where the situation is, but I run into some trouble- zombies.
I race around a corner, and run smack bang into a zombie, knocking it and myself over, I quickly scramble to my feet and spirit back down the corridor- I don't know where I'm going, but I don't want to become zombie food just yet.
I pass a door and I hear gurgling noises, I keep running as I don't exactly what to find out what that is, but it's okay because 3 zombies appear and start to come my way ;-;
"Dammit" I say allowed, now I have 4 zombies to deal with- and when I turn around- I run into a table.
"Shit," I mumble, getting up and finding myself behind Nori, the hostage and Austin- but no time to chat because I have 4 walkers on my heels.
'Today is not my day,' I grumble- getting up off of the floor and running to hide behind a wall. I watch Austin lunge toward, and grab Nori, and somehow grabbing the knife of the man and cutting his arm all at once 'he may be tall and lanky but he has the skills of someone with a black belt' I say, shocked by what's happening, and I watch the man who held Nori captive meet his fate as he falls into the grasp of 4 walkers. I stand up and run towards Austin- but he's pointing his hand towards the door yelling "GO GO GO" with Nori in his arms.

Gotta love writing stories at ridiculous hours of the morning- it's a little past 1am, and I hope you's enjoyed this chapter.

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