Smart Thinking

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Austin jumps down from the roof and bends down next to me,
"He did what he had to do," he says lifting me up and hugging me tightly.

"Are you two okay!?" Yells Alan from the front of the bus,

"You should probably drive before he crashes," I say making him chuckle, he squeezes me tightly and let's go and walks towards the front of the bus and they exchange rolls.
I lay in bed, having the moment I see dad die in front me replay in my head over and over, and every time I'd drift off to sleep I'd suddenly be jolted awake from the memory.
Alan comes over and lays next to me, he slips his arm under my head and I fall asleep on his chest.

*some hours later*

I wake up to find a snoring Alan still in the same position next to me when I had fallen asleep, I sit up and rub my eyes, forgetting of what had happened earlier today and fall back down and snuggle next to Alan again when all the memories come flooding back, I'd cry but none fall, it's like my tears have dried out.
Alan stirs and looks down at me,
"You okay kiddo?" He says sleepily,

I shake my head.
He sits up taking me with him and rubs my back comforting me.
"Thank you," I say.

"For what?" Says Alan looking at me funny,

"Being there for me," I say smiling up at Alan,

"Anything for you," he says.

I pull back the little curtain next to the bed and see its almost dark, and I'm hit with a horrible smell,
"What's that smell?" I say turning up my nose sniffing around in the air to try and locate where it's coming from, when I realise it's coming from me, and I got a whiff of it when I lifted my arm to look out the window.

"Ew- this is not okay- I'm having a shower," I say climbing over Alan and going into the bathroom.
I look at myself in the mirror and I'm a complete mess- my eye makeup has run in all directions and my hair looks like it hasn't been tended to for 6 months.
I undress and get in the shower, and enjoy the hot relaxing water.
I hop out and realise when I go to put my bra on the smell comes back, 'so fucking gross,' I say throwing my bra across the bathroom.
I open the door and and asks Alan to fetch me a bra,

"You want me to get your what!?" I hear him squeak,

"Don't be a pussy, just get me a bra," I say

I poke my head out the door and see Alan walking towards me holding the bra out and pinching it with two fingers, his face red as a tomato.

"Thanks," I say giggling and getting changed.

*next morning*
Day 18

I wake up, and this time I'm in my own bed. I crawl to the end of the bunk and stick my head over the edge and see a sleeping Austin below me snoring away quietly. I look across the bunks and see Alan with an arm and a leg hanging off his bed like always. I silently climb down from my bunk and tip toe to the bathroom.
When I come out I slowly shut the door but I'm given a fright when I turn around and see Alan sitting up on his bunk looking at me,

"I heard you pee," he whispers squinting his eyes at me, but laughs at my stunned but not amused facial expression.
Austin stirs and throws a pillow at Alan making him fall back onto his bed,

"You're suppose to be a princess, now act like one," he says sitting up and winking at me.

Alan jumps back up and opens his mouth looking shocked and looks at austin as if saying 'well excuuuuse me,' and throws the pillow back at him.

"I'm not getting involved in this," I say walking out to the kitchen leaving the two children behind to pillow fight, and go to get some cereal to feed my grumbling stomach when I realise there's absolutely no food and the bus has been stripped.

I walk back into the bunk area and the boys both look at me mid hitting each other with pillows, "there appears to be a problem in the department of my stomach," I say, they both look at me confused, Alan looking really worried and quietly says "...period?"

"No you imbecile!" I say "there's no food!" Making Alan open his mouth making a quiet 'ohhh'

Austin gets up and walks past me and checks the bottom cupboards, then the top and all the little hidey hole places where he'd stash food to hide from Alan. He turns and looks at me, "we have a big problem,"

"You don't say," I mumble feeling annoyed.

"We passed a gas station a little while back," says Austin "it looked like no one had been in there."

"Yeah, apart from the zombies stuck inside," I say, remembering seeing two regular zombies pawing at the wall as we drove past yesterday.

"They were the dumb ones, we can take them," says Alan flexing his arm muscles and kissing them.

*fast forward to when they get to the station*

We walk up to the door, but the zombies don't appear to be here anymore, so Alan stupidly walks up to open the door,
"No!" I hiss, "wait."
I hit my first against the glass a few times and 10 seconds later the two zombies are pawing at the window. I give Alan a 'I just saved your ass,' look.

"Alan, when I say so, open the door towards you and let the zombies come at me and Austin," I say

"That's a death wish," he says

"No, not if you listen," I say making Austin chuckle,

"She has you wrapped around her finger boy," he says smiling.

"When you open the door stab one zombie in the neck and sever it's spinal cord, and let us take care of the last one," I say content with our plan.
Alan looks at us as if we're crazy and goes and stands behind the door, and gives us a 'please don't die'  look before pulling open the door and letting the two zombies come at us.

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